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- I will tell you something about me and Namjoon first, smiled Seokjin, it was a long time ago, before we got married, it was a very cold winter night, snow was everywhere and that night, i stayed late at the healer house, we were preparing cold medicine you know to be ready for the flu season, anyways, among the medicine we prepare there is also some medicine to help older alphas during the act, and like every day Namjoon came to take me home and i remembered he told me that morning, he was feeling tired and his nose is running, so i decided to take one bottle of the flu medicine to give it to him, but i was so tired and sleepy, so i didn't realize that i took the erectile enhancer medicine instead of the flu medicine..

Jimin and Taehyung smiled, before Taehyung said

- Don't tell me that's how you slept together for the first time ?

- No, smiled Seokjin, so i gave him the bottle and he took me home like always, and he want home, he drink the bottle like i told him and went to sleep. But of course, he couldn't, you know he was feeling hot and you know, he thought it was his rut, so next morning auntie come to me to tell me that Namjoon will not accompany me to the healer house because he is having his rut, that surprised me because i remembered clearly he had his rut two weeks before, he can't be having a rut twice a month and at that moment, i realized what i did, but of course i didn't tell him, even after i remember he asked me to check on him because he found it bizarre that he only felt aroused for a night usually, his rut last four to five days and you know what i told him, smiled Seokjin before continuing, i told him because we are together, that confused your wolf and you know what's funnier is that so smart alpha believed me, of course i feel sorry for my baby that i lied to him but i feel even more sorry that i aroused him without helping him, so till this day he don't know anything about this.

- Oh moon goddess, help us, you are something hyung. Smiled Taehyung,

- I know it's bad what i did but it was not intentional i swear.

- Namjoon hyung is really stupid. Smiled Jimin

- No he is not, joonie trust me so much that he didn't question anything i told him. My poor baby, i will always feel sorry for him but it was funny. Smiled Seokjin.

- Another story hyung please. Asked Taehyung.

- First aren't you two going out of this tub ?! The water is getting cold.

- Yes I'm shivering. Said Jimin.

- Get out then and get you clothes on, i will wait for you in the room.


- Oh shit how can he sleep in the middle of the act? Laughed Taehyung at the weird story that his brother just tell.

- I don't know when she told us the story all of us was really surprised, i mean even if someone is really tired, that feeling is overwhelming so normally it keeps you awake.

- Another one hyung please. Begged Taehyung his brother as he changed his position on the bed to sit comfortably.

Seokjin smiled as he said

- I told you all the stories i know, i really have noth-

- Is it good to be mated ? Asked suddenly Jimin not giving Seokjin a chance to finish his phrase.

Seokjin looked at the blue eyes omega for a couple of seconds, he is not hesitating about the answer but he knows very well that Jimin gathered a lot of courage to ask him this specific question and he need to choose his words very carefully.

The pregnant omega smiled before saying:

- Ummm it's a simple question but the answer is not that simple, i'm always honest with you two, so i will tell you what i really think, i will not just give you an answer to encourage you to get married. Listen, i have said this before, mating is a scary thing to every wolf trust me, whether the person you will mate is the love of your life or someone you barely know. Mating in a new chapter in your life, you are no longer by yourself, you share a strong bond with someone else it's scary and comforting at the same time, i know it sounds crazy but it's true, at first you don't know how this relationship works, you will fight a lot, yell at each other, do your own thing alone not caring what your other half might say but after that you will understand each other, you will work as a team, and you will understand you are no longer alone, you will understand two brains better than one and two bodies better than one, and at that time you will gain an enormous strength, strength from knowing there is someone on this earth that is always there for you, that you can trust with you life, that understand you in a way no one can, that will keep choosing you over and over and over again. Mating life is not a fairytale journey, it has it's ups and downs it will be a hell with a wrong person even if he gives you a castle and it will be a heaven with the right person even if you fight every day. And i'm so positive Jungkook and Youngi are your right persons.

Taehyung looked at his brother amazed by his word

- Well i'm 1000% sure you and Namjoon hyung are the right persons to each other, you both are smart and always talk in very impressive way, i can give you that.

Seokjin smiled and said

- I'm speaking from the heart.

Jimin sighed before closing his eyes as he took in all Seokjin's words before reopening his eyes again

- You never talked about love. I mean mating suppose that both parts love each other it will make things easier i guess.

- I barely talked about love because love is unique, the way you will love your other half is different from the way i love Joonie, i can not say anything about love because you will understand what love is when you really feel it. Makes things easier umm maybe but i think the question you want to ask is should i mate someone i love or should i love the one i mate?

Jimin eyes widened as he realized that's exactly what he was thinking about, Seokjin smiled before saying

- I don't have the answer to that, i can only said it can work both ways, i mated someone i love and it works for me, your mom or Eunji and a lot of other people loved the one they mated and it works for them too. So-

- What if it won't work for us? Asked suddenly Taehyung surprising both Jimin and Seokjin. At the end of the day, Taehyung is worried too.

- Well as your family, we won't throw you into the arms of any alphas, we are so determined this time because we know well the alphas families and the alphas and we know you of course so we can say, it's more likely to work out for you. All i ask you to do is give them a chance and all parts will fall into their right places.

- I don't-

Taehyung didn't have the chance to finish his phrase as they heard a knock on the bedroom's door.

- It's joonie. Smiled Seokjin as he got the strong scent of his husband faster than the other two and he got up to open the door to reveal a sleepy Namjoon, wearing only his sweatpants and his big ass glasses, his hair a mess above his head and his eyes are barely open.

- Jin i almost had a heart attack when i woke up and found out you were gone but fortunately i heard your voice.

- What can possibly happen to him, got attacked by bears in the middle of our home. Scoffed Jimin at his brother silliness.

- Jimin when you get mated you will understand me. Said Namjoon as he moved to hug his pregnant omega.

- Guys it's really late and i'm really tired you should go to bed and i should take this big boy to bed. Smiled Seokjin at his husband who let go of him embarrassed of his clinginess.

- Guys you are so embarrassing, go. Said Jimin but can't help but smile at the couple cuteness.

- Good night. Said both Namjoon and Seokjin as they left the two young omegas.

- Will we too taste the happiness that Seokjin hyung have ? Sighed Taehyung as he laid on his back.

- You and your eternal jealousy of Seokjin hyung. Smiled Jimin as he too laid on his back ready for some sleep.

But the minute Taehyung heard Jimin's words, he sit up and looked at his best friend and said

- Excuse me !! No!! I was never jealous of Seokjin's hyung. I'm younger, prettier and have a lot of things compared to him.

Jimin smiled before holding his best friend hand to pull him to bed as he said

- I know, of course.

- Jimin i'm serious. Said Taehyung as he pushed the blue eyed omega's away.

- I know, i was teasing you. It's not like you cried your eyes out on the day of Seokjin hyung wedding because you want to wear what he is wearing and you almost ripped his clothes to prevent him from wearing them. 

- Park Jimin!!!! Yelled Taehyung as he sit up ready to fight.

- I'm sorry, i'm sorry, we agreed to forget that, i'm sorry. Laughed Jimin as he rolled to his side to run away from Taehyung's attack.

- I hate you !! Yelled Taehyung.

They spent almost half an hour like that, Jimin recalling Taehyung's devils act and Taehyung attacking him as he was too ashamed of himself.

The room was warm and filled with happiness...

Will they manage to be happy after this mating....

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