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- Can you imagine your moms' reaction if they see you smoke ?

Jimin and Taehyung relaxed when they got the person's smell, Jimin laid back on the green grass as he said

- They will probably cry their eyes out for years.

- Can you blame them?! Their beautiful omegas who got the finest education and the best out of everything, the most spoiled omegas on this planet smoke can you believe it? Smiled Hoseok as he joined the two.

- We are not spoiled ! Yelled Taehyung as he hit his brother arm.

- Yeah definitely, now give me one. Said Hoseok.

- Normally when a brother find out his brother doing something bad he either threaten him with it and make him do whatever he wants in order not to tell their parents or be an asshole and immediately tell the parents. Said Taehyung as he give his brother a cigarette.

- Yeah but not me and let me tell you why, first of all i don't threaten you because you two are dangerous i don't want to risk my life, and your majesties are kind enough to do what i ask for and second you gave your parents too many problems to deal with, they are busy for sometimes when they have some free time i will tell them to keep them busy. Smiled Hoseok.

- Hyung ! Yelled Taehyung.

- Calm down i'm joking i told you i will not risk my life, who knows what you two can do.

- It's not like it's the first time you caught us smoking and you smoke too so. Said Jimin.

- I'm an alpha so ..




- Jimin Jimin Jimin !!! please i'm sorry i was kidding i swear fuck sorry! Yelled Hoseok as he run away from Jimin who got up to chase Hoseok throwing small rocks at the alpha.

- Nae nae leave him alone! Yelled Taehyung.

- Tae you fucking shut up ! Yelled Jimin.

- Oh you say bad words too, such a good omega. Smiled Hoseok.

- Oh so you want to die today! Don't fucking call me that!!! Yelled Jimin and resumed his running.

- Jimin Jimin stop i swear i'm joking, shit that hurts you are fucking strong! Yelled Hoseok as Jimin punched his arm.

After sometimes of throwing punches, arguing, they both felt tired and walked toward Taehyung to sit next to him.

- You two are unbelievable. Sighed Taehyung.

The alpha and the omega both laid on their back panting loudly.

After a while Hoseok turned on his side to look at the two omegas.

- I know Jungkook and Youngi well. Said Hoseok carefully testing the water.

Both Jimin and Taehyung kept the silence so the alpha continued

- They are like you, they always have something to say about the society rules, they make their own way in life, they are different, they are strong, determined and brave, they are real alphas, the one you read about in your books. Just so you know, no one told me to tell you this. I'm speaking out of my heart, i feel like you deserve to know this, you know me unfortunately i'm always on your side whatever decisions you will take. But give them a thought Jungkook and Youngi definitely deserve it.

Jimin and Taehyung didn't pronounce a word, the two of them are lost in their thoughts and after sometimes Jimin broke the silence saying

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