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- Do you call this a nest? Rolled his eyes Taehyung as he sat next to the messy blankets and pillows.

- If you didn't like it you can sleep on the floor. Scoffed Jimin as he laid in his nest.

Taehyung sighed before joining his best friend in his nest. Usually an omega never allows anyone in her or his nest except his or her mate and his or her kids, as nests for omegas are their safe place where they seek comfort and security but Jimin and Taehyung are so close that since young age they sleep in each other nest.

Jimin was facing the wall as Taehyung was lying on his back looking at the ceiling, both wide awake.

- Jimin ? Are you asleep?

- No.

- You don't think that they will force us to marry the strangers and leave our pack right?

- I don't know.

- They seemed pretty serious this time.

- I know.

- Jimin i .. i don't want to leave our pack. Said Taehyung as he started crying his heart out.

Jimin sighed before turning around to face his best friend and moved closer to hug the crying omega.

- Stop crying, we need to be strong to get out of this shit.

- You need to find us a solution, like you always do.

- Taehyung you can think with me, don't worry it will not bother me if you do so.

- No you are way smarter than me and i get tired and hungry when i think, i hate it. 

A smile forced itself on Jimin's face as he wiped his best friend's tears with his hand and hugged him closer.

- Close your eyes Tae and go to sleep. Said Jimin.

Taehyung nuzzled into his soulmate as he closed his eyes, slowly lulled to sleep thanks to Jimin sweet scent. But Jimin barely slept that night.


- Good morning. Said Taehyung as he walked in the kitchen where Jimin's mother was putting things in a basket. His hair a mess, his eyes swollen and barely opened.

- Good morning even though it's half an hour past noon. Replied Jimin's mother.

Taehyung opened the fridge and Jimin's mother said

- I left you two omelets and a fruit salad from the breakfast, just heat some meat.

- Thanks auntie. Said Taehyung and took the meat out from the fridge and moved to take a frying pan and put the meat in it to slightly heat it.

- Taehyung i like to t-

- Auntie i'm not in the mood and I'm hungry and Jimin will kill me if i tell you anything.

- So you two have been thinking of doing something.

Taehyung eyes widened as he passed a hand on his messy hair before saying

- There is nothing, where is the soy sauce please?

Jimin's mother sighed before handing the soy sauce to the younger omega and said

- Taehyung i just want to say that you need to be happy, this marriage is what you dreamed of since you were a kid and you need to convince Jimin to be happy too, i used to be in your age too and we all dreamed to mate a strong, handsome alpha with warm heart who will love us unconditionally as we give him everything, unfortunately we don't always get what we dream of, but i did, your mother did, and you and Jimin too, please Taehyung i don't want to see you wasting your chance because you are scared of what you don't know or scared of the responsibility. You know me, i'm like you very picky, i would be against this if they are bad alphas, It's burning take it off the stove.

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