Chapter 45

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So, that Sunday, Hayley, Sméagol, and I went to Greenflower Fellowship Church together. We sat in the front row, so I could see better. As the Greenflower Worship Band performed a few worship songs to open the service, Sméagol found himself growing more and more curious about Jesus Christ, who he was, and what he did.

The topic for this particular service was forgiveness. Pastor Derek spoke of sin, how we are all sinners, and that God forgives our sins. He spoke of repentance, accepting responsibility for our actions, and forgiving each other, as well as ourselves. He spoke of Jesus Christ, and how he died on the cross to pay for our sins.

The whole time, Sméagol's eyes and ears were glued to Pastor Derek, taking in every word. Pastor Derek read a few verses from the Bible, and Sméagol's eyes filled with tears, thinking of Sam, Frodo, Bilbo, Déagol, and his whole family. He forgave Bilbo for taking the ring, forgave Faramir and his rangers for beating him and threatening his life, and he even forgave his family and friends for turning on him. Still, he could not forgive himself for his actions. The guilt still ate him up inside, and he could not seem to escape it. He wondered if Déagol hated him for killing him, if he was in a better place, and if he was happy. He wondered if his family still hated him, his friends, and everyone he hurt. He felt that it was right for them to hate him, and that he did not deserve their forgiveness. Even if God forgave him, he felt very undeserving of it.

Then, as Pastor Derek closed his sermon, he asked everyone to bow their heads in prayer.

"Father, we thank you for your blessings," he said. "We understand that we have sinned, but we know that you forgive us. Please help us to forgive those who have done us wrong, who have hurt us, betrayed us, mistreated us, and Father, we ask that you help us to forgive ourselves for our wrong-doing. In Jesus' name we pray, amen."

"Amen," we all said.

Sméagol suddenly broke down sobbing as the band performed their closing number.

Hayley pulled him into a big hug. "Shhh," she said, gently caressing his backside. "It's okay, Sweetheart. It's okay."

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