Part 2: That went pretty well

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Bakugou POV
"Wait wait, who even is that?" Bakugou said.
"Hell if I know, but with your so called charm you should be able to get their number no problem, right?" Shinsou said.
"Well I mean-"
"You can pick em up easy right?"
"Depends who-"
"I mean they should be begging for your number right?"
"Fuck, fine, I get it."
"Oh no, I wanna see how you flirt with this poor person."
"What if I don't?"
"We're gonna burn your teddy bear."
"Wojtek? You fuckin' bastards. Fine, okay, I'll do it, just don't tell anyone about this."
"Oh we won't. Denki pull out your phone-"

Kendos POV

"Why the hell is he out this late?" She thought. "What would he even be doing? I mean this is the guy that put hot sauce on his cereal, he's fucking wild, he could've been doing anything from bowling to becoming the next zodiac killer, wait is he coming towards me? Fuck-"
Kendo was panicking, she couldn't tell what he was gonna do. Was he gonna threaten her? Take her money? Bully her? Try to fight her? Her mind was racing. She was the one and only Itsuka Kendo, class president of 1B, or was she the rep? Either way she was a tried and true badass, she was the coolest person in U.A, well in her opinion at least. "Yknow what? If he lays a single finger on me, imma slap him, and that's that."

Bakugous POV

"Who the hell even is that? She kinda looks like misty from the pokemon games." He thought.
"Boys, hang back will you? Don't want yall seeing this, especially if it goes bad."
"Oh cmon, we wanna see it, especially if it goes bad."
"Fuck off, just- just gimme some space alright?"
"Fine, well hang back, we're still recording though."
"Alright, fine, just don't post it anywhere."
"Enough talk, go get em hotshot!"
"Okay, okay, I can do this, just gotta- wait, I think I know that chick, maybe? Eh who cares, I'm in too deep anyway."

Kendos POV
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck he's actually coming towards me fuck-

Bakugous POV
"Hey baby, you uhh, come here often?"
"You mean come outside?"
"Yeah basically."
"Well I mean yeah I come outside like every night tryna pet cats and shit, never seen you around here before."
"Yeah yknow, guys night, get a lil drunk, go to the arcade, get a lil high, yknow, guys night shit, just took a different path back this time."
"Man I never would've thought the guy who was forced to wear a muzzle would actually have friends."
"Do we know eachother?"
"Well who doesn't know you? Your like, the angriest kid here."
"Hey I think I know you from somewhere."
"Y-you do?"
"Yeah I do! Misty! Man I didn't know the characters from pokemon were actually real. Can I get your autograph?"
"Kidding. Aren't you in 1B?"
"Yeah yeah, hey, that makes us like rivals."
"In that case, I wasn't kidding about the misty thing."
"In that case, you kinda do look like an angry pomeranian."
"Hey I never got your name."
"Come by 1B tomorrow, 5th door to the left, number 303, we can see who's a better fighter, oh and about that whole rival thing."
She reached out and slapped him
"See you later, pomeranian."
She walked away
"Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck, I just slapped the 2nd toughest kid in the school, why the fuck did I give him my room number-

Bakugous POV

"Christ calm down denki, you alright bakugou?"
"Yeah shinsou it's just-"
"She didn't hurt you did she?"
"Shitty hair I'm fine it's just-"
"You sure?"
"I've never been slapped like that before, what a woman-"
"Wait did you- did you like it?"
"NO ITS JUST- let's just get to the dorms already, I need some sleep man, I got somewhere to be tomorrow."

This was a ride wasn't it? You degenerates better be back for some more, same time next week. I'll try to update it Saturday, if not, then I'll do it whenever the hell I want.

Total word count: 700

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