Part 13: Living Together

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"Oh man, what time is it?"
For a class representative, kendo was horrible with keeping time
"I don't fucking know man, 6:00? Sun's already out."
"Well check, dumbass. I don't wanna get outta bed."
"Woah woah, what do you think your doing?"
"Grabbing my phone so I can check the time?"
"Well then, looks like we're just laying here for the rest of the day, unaware of the time, because your cuddling me, I like it, it's staying that way."
"You're a very strange girl itsu."
"Well, you married me. We literally have a kid together in the future."
"Not unless I change the future."
"And how you gonna do that, smart guy?"
"Watch me, I'm gonna go out to all the schools, imma find me a sweet honey, a pretty, strong girl who loves me a lot, I'm gonna get married, and we're gonna have 7 kids."
"7?! Why 7?!"
"One for every day of the week."
"And you call me weird."
"Oh fuck, I'm waiting on a phone call, I need to see if I got in to this club."
"What club?"
"Dont worry, now imma get my phone."
"Fine, but you're putting it on speaker, I wanna see if my little katsu finally decided to join drama."
"Aight bet."
"Lets hear it big man."
"Hey this is Rayo from the Small Weiner Club, sorry to get back to you so late, I just finished reviewing your application and information you sent in. But I am sorry to say that I don't think I can allow you to join our group. From what I'm looking at, your weiner is massive. I mean the sheer girth and juciness alone is ridiculous. It looks as if somebody glued a forearm to the bottom of your torso. You could probably stand on it like a tripod, and thats not even mentioning how fat your nuts are. But it does appear that you are going to have to take that ginormous schmeat somewhere else. But thank you for trying, and best of luck to you."
"Huh. I really thought I'd get accepted."
"Why'd he describe it like that? He's using all the wrong adjectives, he didn't even use the word humongous once. He has it all wrong. Why'd you even apply to join the small weiner club?"
"I really thought I'd get in."
"You coulda asked me and I woulda told em why they shouldn't accept you."
"Are- are you flustered?!"
"Haha, you are!"
"Why are you even saying that?"
"Cause your cute."
"You are!"
"Why are you even trying to fluster me? We aren't even dating."
"If I know what I want, I ain't taking no for an answer."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Look, if you ain't gonna say it first, I am. Katsuki Bakugou, I, Itsuka Kendo, li-"

"Oh man, I thought it was a Saturday. My day is ruined."
"Eh, tomorrow's Saturday, 24 hours ain't exactly an eternity."
"Yeah yeah, whatever, now go to your class and change the future or something, nerd."
"Aight, catch you later short stack."
"Oh, I'm too far away now, I can't hear you, bye."

"Alright, first order of business, bakugou."
"Problem child here said you have pot in your backpack is this true?"
"Oh you mean this?"
Bakugou proceeded to pull out a potted plant
"Oh. Oh that's fine, what are you growing?"
"You didn't let me finish. Weeds. I know a guy that likes to eat them, so I grow them for him."
"You know a kid that eats weeds?"
"Yeah, he's cool."
"You're a very odd kid, bakugou."

"Oi, rayo."
"How come I ain't in the club, mate?"
"Oh my god, bakugou. We've been over this."
"I don't believe you, I should be allowed in that club, matter of fact, I should be president of the small weiner club."
"How about you just start the big weiner club?"
"Who would I even invite?"
"Well you'd really be the only one there."
"Language, katsu."
"Yknow what? Fuck this, I'm grabbing lunch from a Cafe or some shit. I aint eating this shitty school lunch."
"Bakugou, you can't just leave-"
"Watch me."
"Its your funeral, katsu."
"Watch me. I'm gonna walk through these doors, and no ones gonna stop me."
"You can't- Holy shit he's actually doing it."

10 minutes later

"Katsu, where were you?!"
"I grabbed a coffee."
"From where?"
"New place."
"Why are you speaking so minimalisticly?"
"Gotta save my energy."
"A girl."
"I met her at the coffee shop. She's possessive, she's strong, she's ginger, everything I look for in a woman."

I hate you so much, you wanna make out? (baku x kendo)Where stories live. Discover now