Chapter 2 - Diagnosis

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Lolbit's POV - Saturday

I wake up quickly due to a bright light blinding my eyes. I get up and get used to the light. I focus on my surroundings and notice a person. I walk over to them, shocked to find my previous injuries gone. I hardly even know where I am. It's just a giant white expanse of nothing. I reach the man who cuts me off before I can say anything. He's sitting against the only solid object in the area. The person is naked, yet lacks any genitals, which just makes me more confused.

"I already know who you are. No need for introductions. You must've died too, huh." He mutters, rather annoyed. I stammer back, in a state of shock. If I'm dead, then, where am I? He must've sensed my shock and the million questions in my head. As if he could read my mind, he says,

"You're in, well, I guess the remainder of your software. Your GPU and Motherboard must be running so low due to the mass amount of damage your hardware received. Which, in turn, caused an emergency shut down. Then, before the shutdown could finish up turning off, your entire system failed and BSOD'ed, which brought you here." I look at him like he just killed my friends.

"So, who, or more specifically, what are you then?" I say. He looks at me and just says,

"Well, I'm what your brain would embody your system as. So, in a metaphorical sense, I'm what's left of your hardware. I would be dead right now, but somehow, your system rebooted and is somewhat intact. It's as good as a broken window covered in a blanket." I just take a minute to take in what he told me, and it hits me. All that, all he just told me, is happening in me.

"Am I even real? Am I just an embodiment of myself in my brain?" He's silent for a second then nods.

"Where am I then? My brain?" He nods again. I picture my body in real life. Outside of here. It's just a lifeless shell of what was me. Did the others save me yet? I heard them coming for me and only then did I shut down. I hope they can save me. I can't just let them go like this.

"Can you perform a diagnostic examination on my hardware?" I shout desperately. It's not like I have another choice. He nods. After he does I hear the hissing of fans and the churn of mechanical hardware. That's a good sign. At least some of my systems are online. If my motherboard goes, it's no point. I'm dead. I sit and wait. It's not like I have anything else I can do. All I can do anyways is wait for the results, whether it's life or death.

Puppet's POV

I step back into my room and hear the indistinguishable sound of hardware running. I run over and hear Lolbit's systems running again! It's got to be a temporary run though, so I have to keep it going. I open her chest plate with a bit of resistance. I peek in and notice the fans running. The motherboard seems in terrible condition. A stab mark is going right through it, along with corrosion on the bottom. The bottom left corner has been modified, meaning recently a 3rd party went through her stomach and altered her parts. That must be the cause. I probably should fix this before getting Foxy, he might break it. Knowing him, it's for the best. Freddy will just eat over her body, ruining it more. The other three will just cry for a week. So, yeah, probably not a good idea. I examine the part that was altered and get a good idea of what to do. I've done my fair share of mechanical tampering. She's in good hands. I can only hope she doesn't just get any worse. If I had to give a percentage of how close we are to fixing her, I'd give a 49%. Close to halfway, just not there yet. I wonder how Foxy's coping.

Foxy's POV

I fall down onto my couch and just sit there, thinking of her, then I snap out of it. I have to do something else. I get up and finish cleaning up, then I notice a small letter. It has my name on it, and it's from Lolbit. It was dated 3 days before she disappeared. It reads:

Hey Foxy!

So you've probably seen this coming. It's pretty obvious. I've asked Baby about this and Ballora and they both said I should just go for it, so, here I am! I just have liked you for a while. Ever since I saw you, I just, you know. I've loved you ever since I saw you and I just wanted to get that off my chest before it was too late. I really hope you feel the same, and if not, I totally understand! So, after you read this, you can just think for a bit. I know you well so, just tell me anytime. I just was too nervous to tell you this in person, so, here's my confession!

Love, Lolbit

I can't keep myself from crying this time. She's dead, and I never got to confess. She never even gave this to me, probably cause she was too nervous. I just feel so bad for some odd reason. I just feel helpless. I curl up on my couch again and cry, unable to hold it back anymore.

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