Chapter 6 - Unhinged

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Lolbit's POV - Monday

"You're telling me that you nearly died because you went 'crazy'?"

"Well, yeah. I-I don't know, it could be, like, shell shock or something like that. Maybe the basement just, y'know, shook me up."

I just sat there and stared at him. I could see right through it. I knew what he couldn't say.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I've been going through a lot right now and now that I'm," He paused for a moment. "wherever this place really is, it's really not helping, but at least you're here with me."

I could almost see his face flush before he looked away at the computer. I wasn't really sure how it got here, and how it's still here. Nothing really makes sense anymore to be honest.

Puppet's POV

I really am dumbfounded. How, in Scott's great and holy name, are Tweddle dee and Tweddle dumb alive in some limbo? That literally does not make sense. They are on gurney's behind me. That is impossible in so many ways.

"Puppet, you okay?" Baby said, still wiping off Foxy's blood.

I got pretty jump scared by her, so I swiveled around to face her, "Oh, uh, yeah. I'm fine. Just..."

"Just what?"

"Uhm, just... shaken up. Yeah, that."

She sat there for a second, sizing me up and down, then turned around and strutted to her room. "Alright. Whatever."

I breathed a sigh of relief. She could literally kill me. She almost killed him, so what's stopping her from killing me? I swiveled back around and started typing.

P) are you still alive

L) yup

P) is foxy still alive too

L) duh

P) srry

P) are you okay

L) yes

P) how did you get there

L) i just woke up here, and foxy fell down from the sky

P) brb

I felt like they were omitting info from me. It seemed too generic. Something wasn't right.

Baby's POV

I really don't trust him anymore. He hasn't slept in 2 days, and he is extremely secretive of what he does. I just don't like it. I mean, not to get all dictatory-ish, but someone has to keep order here until later. I don't feel safe anymore. We never actually saw Mangle die, or whoever that was. Foxy knows more than he's letting on. So does Lolbit. I know it. They have to be lying to someone about something. Either they are in it together or they hide it from each other. We can't really know, unless they are forced to speak. That might work! Oh, what am I thinking? This is such a terrible thought.

I think I'm losing it more than everyone else.

Freddy's POV

"I swear I'll get it to you!" I yelled frantically at a small, dark silhouette. 

"You'd better, otherwise your friend is gone." He seemed so manipulative from the start. Why had I agreed to this?

I stepped back inside from the rain-drenched sidewalk of the outside and back inside the massive dining area. An ornate stage lined up against a wall with dozens of tables with chairs dotted around.  It looked pretty good back when we were open. God, I could do anything to get everyone back together for another performance. Those we the best! 

I walked back into my room and fell onto my couch. What am I going to do? I can't do that part of the deal! It's way too far off all moral spectrums even I have. I'd have to find, and trap, Bonnet! I hardly even notice her anytime. She always sits with Ballora in her room. They were basically sisters. She was really nice, and was once on my hand after Bon-Bon left, and he was so hard to be around. He was always lighting drama and fights where ever he could. It was so unbelievably torturous every day I had to put up with it, and even on performance days, when there were hundreds of kids around, he would kick and bite. They threw him out ages ago and replaced him with Bonnet. She was so nice to me and everyone. Now, they had separated. I found out I like guys (specifically Bonnet and she wanted to be my girlfriend, but that fell apart as soon as she found out what I was. She had basically ex-communicated herself from us. It was hard for me to forgive myself for ruining her, but she forgave me long ago, after we finally crossed paths again. Foxy really does deserve Lolbit, but I just can't help myself. Lolbit isn't good enough for him. I'm better, and in fact, I'm going to go fulfill the deal I made and then go meet Foxy (his body, I guess) for a bit of one-on-one, if you get what I mean. 

The Thrill of the Hunt, as they say.

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