Chapter 9 - Up The Ante

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Baby's POV - Tuesday

"So, they're here, why?" Carson asked, and understandably so.

"Because they want something, okay?" I yelled and then regretted it. I turned back to the barricaded door and stepped back. It should hold; I hope Foxy doesn't mind.

"Jeez, that's a little excessive." He sat down onto the bare ground. All of the furniture was at a vent or door. I sat next to the door's barricades. "I'm gonna be totally honest with you, I really have zero idea of where I am right now, let alone how I ended up here. All I know is that I woke up in the vent above that bounce house, I think that's what it was, and found you."

"Sorry for yelling. It's just... a bit touchy." I mumbled. The door next to me crashed open an inch, then hit the barricade.

"Open the god damn door!" A voice yelled from outside. Carson stood up and ran to the vent going towards Ballora's room. I followed quickly. He tore the barricade down off of it and we both climbed in, shutting the vent grate behind us. I looked through the grate to see what was going on. The door crashed open, littering the ground with wooden scraps. Carson tugged my shoulder to keep going, so I did. We shifted through as fast as we could, eventually making it to the other side. The door screeched open with a piercing whine. We both hopped out and looked around. A small oil smudge leaked across the floor. A small whimper sounded out, then a voice called out.

"What do you want?" It was Ballora. "Leave us alone! What are you going to do now?" We both ran over to the corner of another hallway to Ballora's actual room where her bed was. There, on the ground, were the naked, wound and oil covered bodies of Ballora and Bonnet.

Carson's POV

On the ground lie two naked and wounded people. First thing first, what the hell is going on? But, instincts don't let life pause. I ran over to the two girls and started to assess the situation. Several lacerations to their bodies, plus some... liquid, was on the ground and was on the chest. Their bodies were caked with cuts and bruises. Baby joined me in the assessment, but helped in her own way. She comforted them. I looked back at their bodies. The smaller pink one was unconscious, but alive. The taller one was the most abused, by the looks of things. 

Foxy's POV

I sat there, holding Lolbit in my arms. She wasn't responding. A headache hit her is what she said, then this. I cried over her limp body. I hoped it wasn't her actual death. I sat there and cried until my eyes hurt, and then until I fell asleep. I hoped to wake and find her okay, but I wasn't spot on.

Lolbit's POV

I awoke, but couldn't see. I felt cold metal on my back and sensed someone near me. I heard crying? It sounded familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on who it was. I heard two loud bangs outside. My body tensed. At least I had all my ligaments, I guess. Out of nowhere, my eyes opened. They were blurry, but focused. Shockingly, not using your eyes for a week isn't so good. I sat up and noticed I was on a metal gurney. I got off the gurney and nearly fell. My legs strengthened again and I looked around. Puppet was on the ground, with a bullet wound on his legs. Two holes seeped oil, growing the pool around him larger. I ran over and knelt down. He opened his eyes and looked over, and tried to yell but couldn't.

"You're... alive?" He whispered in a raspy voice, nearly dying of shock.

"I guess, what the fuck happened to you?" I grabbed the gurney's cloth covering and tore it in half, one for each leg. I wrapped them around his legs. He winced in pain.

"They shot me, then threatened to..." He paused and breathed deeply. "They said they would rape them... and kill them." He stopped and whimpered, then sobbed. "They are probably dead now." I shook my head.

"Don't worry, Ballora is a strong woman, and she can't be stopped man." I tied the bandages around his legs and he tried to scream, but I covered his mouth. He yelled, but was muffled. 

"Thanks... I guess." He sat up and leaned against the wall. He slumped his shoulders and seemed defeated. I walked to Foxy's body. He still was in that... place. His body felt cold, a shocking reality as his body was once warm earlier in that... limbo. As if on cue, he sat up in a millisecond. I jumped back away from him in shock. He looked around and saw me. We locked eyes, and he hopped off, collapsing to the floor. I laughed and helped him up. I looked at him up and down.

"You look better in real life." I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Please, promise that'll never happen again." He hugged me back.

"Thank god you're not dead!" He swung my body left and right. I'd wished he wouldn't let go, but I was soon to be wrong.

"Man, you guys look great. Wish I didn't had shrapnel in my legs." Puppet mumbled, his voice still shaky. 

"OH MY GOD! What happened to you?" Foxy asked, breaking the hug. He ran over to him, trying to assess his situation.

"I really have to explain again, do I?" He sighed in his coarse and non-cordial voice and started to talk.

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