Chapter 7 - The Comeback of a Lifetime

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Puppet's POV - Tuesday

I am just sitting on my chair, in my room, staring at a screen, thinking about how bad sh... 'guano insane' this all is. These two idiots nearly died, and now are treading the line between life and death I guess. Thinking was really hard right now. I was dehydrated, hungry, and tired. I just can't sleep, even though I haven't slept in days. I stood up and nearly crumpled into a pile on the ground due to my legs hardly moving in a while. I stumbled over to the kitchen and got water and pizza. Stumbling back to my room for a couple minutes and viola, pizza and water on my desk. I devoured all of the pizza and water pretty fast and felt a little better. I started typing to the two.

P) are you two hungry at all or thirsty??

L) no

L) idk how tho

P) ?????

L) dude i dont know either

P) well i think

I was shaken up by a loud explosion in the elevator area. Adrenaline -or whatever we have in us- shot through me. I walked over to the doorway of my room and peered down the hall. I saw debris all over the ground, then I saw a large freddy-like exoskeleton step out, the mangle person from before, and... Bon-Bon? I was taken aback for a moment. We kicked him out ages ago. I reversed back into my room and shut the door tightly, locking it after.

Baby's POV

I ran out of my room after an explosion rang through the building. I got the hall way and saw three figures. Yenndo (Lolbit told me who he was before), Mangle, and Bon-Bon. I instinctively let out a shocked, "What?" and instantly regretted it. They all saw me. God dammit, I thought, I am so dead. Yenndo took a wide step towards me. "Hey Circus Baby, how've you been recently? I've been fine. I was told by Bon-Bon over there that you've wanted to get more power over your friends, right? Well, we could give that to you." He gestured towards the two behind him. Mangle rolled her eyes. 

"Hurry up Yenndo, we've gotta find her." Bon-Bon yelled, making Yenndo visibly angry. He calmed himself down and continued. "So, what do ya say?" He stepped closer. "You in or out buddy?" I sat there, confused to high hell, and thought. No way, one half of me said, don't betray your friends like this! The over side just screamed yes please! I was just stuck in the middle.

Foxy's POV

It was so hard to admit feelings for her. I was pretty sure she knew anyways. She even gave me a love note, how could she not? She looked over to the computer again after lying on the ground for a bit with me. She typed for a bit, then waited with a confused look on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked, and as if she expected my question, she blurted out, "He's just typed out half a sentence and didn't finish it. "Eh, I really don't care anyways."

I sat up and flapped my arms around my legs, with my knees to my face. "Well, what now? We can talk more if you wanna." She says, scooting closer to me. I looked up at her and she seemed as bored as me. I debated in my head if I should ask her about the note. Maybe later, I thought. We have more pressing matters. As soon as I thought this, my mind immediately contradicted itself and made me say, "So, uh, I saw the note you left, y'know, in my room." She looked up at me, a blush and smile streaking wide across her face. Why did I just do that? WHY DID I JUST DO THAT? FUUUUUUUUUUU- "You, you did?" She stammered. Ugh, why did I do that. "...yeah," I said, half regretting I had at this moment, "I just want you to know first that..." I stopped for a moment, and Lolbit looked as if she was about to burst from the intensity and red streak on her face.

"uh... I, um, I like you too." I blurted fast, as to get the moment over with.

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