Chapter 4 - In-Fighting

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Foxy's POV - Monday

I wake up in the morning, just like any other one, except for the fact that we're missing someone and that everyone must have developed PTSD from the events a couple of days ago. It's just way too quiet. I just want her back already. I really don't want to call a mechanic again. The last time I did, we had to kill him. He saw a bit too much. But anyway, that's not that big of a deal. We kill people all the time. Not groups though, well, I guess some small groups of teens who wander through. It's not our fault they trespassed. So, I guess I shouldn't call a guy in. I finish my inner monologue and wander out into the main dining room. Puppet is sitting along with a very anxious-looking Freddy. He must have gotten some bad news. Wait. I run over to the table and ask what's happening very frantically. I stumble over some words, but Puppet understands. He looks up at me, then at Freddy, and says,

"Oh, right... Freddy saw some kids outside and decided to let them be, but, turns out that wasn't the best idea. The kids saw Freddy and broke open the window and started beating him with random stuff they had. Freddy didn't want to kill them, but he had to. So, as he told me, he pushed them away and bit one kid's head off. The others were shocked. Once Freddy started, he couldn't help the thirst for blood, and so he killed off the rest as they tried to run. Freddy came to me and here we are, me consoling him."

"Oh. I remember when that happened to me too. Kind of the same scenario but with older people. And with girls. I guess they had some plans to go through here, and they didn't expect me to be there. They were all douches anyway, so I got over it." I'd hate to sit in the past, but I guess it's all I can do to help him. I left the two to go back to my room. Upon entering, it was trashed again. Stuff laying everywhere. I was getting tired of cleaning, so instead, I decided to investigate. And I wasn't disappointed either. I found a small picture of us in the bounce house last week. Lolbit and I were bouncing together along with everyone else. But the issue with this picture isn't us, it's where it was taken. It was shot from outside. Now, we can't actively leave our building for long. I mean, we can, but for only like 30 minutes to an hour, otherwise, we'll just pass out and eventually just flat out die. So, this is kind of odd. I flip over the picture and see a couple of really familiar names. It reads:

We'll get her!


F. Chica



With the help of F, we can do this easily!

It took a second for me to realize what it said. And it didn't take long for it to process what they were doing. This, and everything else that's been happening hit me altogether all over again. And then, I couldn't help myself. I just snapped. I broke into pieces mentally. I ran out of my room in a daze. I ran to Freddy who seemed to know what I was mad about. I leapt onto him and started to hit him frantically. I scratched him as much as I could whilst Baby, Ballora, and Puppet pulled on me, yelling for me to stop. Freddy tried as well, but he couldn't talk right as I attacked him. I punched and scratched as much as I could, but they pulled me off. Puppet smashed my right leg down, breaking it. I screamed out in agony. After my leg was crushed, I had another surge of mechanical adrenaline and leapt up on my one leg. I pounced at my friends and managed to hit them a couple of times. My leg went numb, either from the adrenaline or from the pain. Regardless, I wasn't giving up this time. Not like I had for her. I snapped my leg back into place, but It was still limp. I continued slashing and punching my friends as they tried to restrain me. I leapt onto Baby and threw her away, and then she hit the wall. She got back up and looked absolutely livid. She sprinted towards me and grabbed me by the shoulders. She pushed me to the ground and held me there. As I was pinned, she punched me continuously in the face and chest. My face was absolutely destroyed after she finished. She wobbled up, and then, as she looked down at me kicked me in my junk. That did not help. My face was throbbing and leaking oil all over the place. My leg was completely destroyed and lacked any reminiscence of a leg. In fact, half of it was torn of when Baby attacked me. My chest had a gaping hole looking into my insides. And, my junk was probably pretty hurt too. The adrenaline high wore off, and then the pain hit me. It felt like I was placed into a hydraulic press and smashed. I hurt as much as my early life had been. The throbbing pains all over me, the oil puddle forming around me as I bled out on the ground. It was worth it. At least I'll get to see Lolbit again. I let out a small "heh" as I slipped from consciousness, going limp again.

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