Chapter 5 - Transmission

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Lolbit's POV - Monday

I really don't know what to do right now. That other person who was here, well, I'm sitting with them right now. I... uh. Their... gone? Um, Okay, never mind I guess. Anyways, I've just been passing the time while I've been in this white void. I miss everyone. Shockingly, being locked up away from everything is pretty mind breaking. I don't know what to do right now. And, as if almost on queue, the person from before pops back into my plane of existence. I get up from the ground and say hi. He just, stands there. I look at him for a second and stare. Is he broken or something? I mean, us robots are no stranger to bugs and glitches. I mean, they caused our building's shutdown for Christ's sake! I tapped him on the shoulder and all of a sudden, he snaps into life and instantly latches onto me. I push him off but he keeps trying. I just turn heel and run, and he follows in pursuit. We run for a bit, but he catches up. He tackles me down and says in the deepest voice I've ever heard,

"Where are running to?" He sits on top of me and stares me dead in the eyes. I reply,

"Away from you! What do you even want?" 

"You, obviously. What else is there to take. Oh wait, there is something else that you cherish, correct? Something you'd wish someone else would take from you." I knew what that entailed. I struggled and wormed around, but he was just to strong to slip away from. I can't let this happen. Then, he froze again. Except this time his stomach opened like a hatch and a small computer fell out of it. I ripped him off my extremities and picked up the computer. After sitting it down, it booted up and asked for my name. I typed in "L" just to be safe. Then it showed me a message board.

L) hello?
P) who the hell are you
L) who are you
P) Puppet, and you?
L) no way
P) what is your name
L) lolbit
P) stop lying
L) i have no reason to
P) well then
P) who do i liek then
L) ballora duh
P) dude
P) how in the hell are you on a message board
P) you're basically fukcing dead
L) i dotn know either
P) wher are u
L) in some white void
L) whats happening up there
P) foxy got in a REALLY bad fight with us
P) hes not been taking losing you very well
P) he aslo is alive, just out for the count
L) brb

I get back up, filled with hope, to a loud crashing noise in the distance. I pick up the PC and hurry over to the noise. I look at the ground and see... Foxy? I sit the PC set down and help Foxy up. He took a fall, but he's fine. He seems equally appalled that I'm here. He immediately hugs me. It's been a long time coming for this. I just wonder if he got my note.

"Where are we?" 

"I mean, I was told by some... thing that this is just my motherboard, but now that you're here, that's wrong." 

"Well, whatever." He looks around for a second, then looks back at me.

"Hang on. First, I have to ask you something." We both sit down and he continues.

"What the hell happened to you in the basement?"

"..." I sit there and think for a moment.

"I... I don't remember at all."

"All I remember is leaving your room and going back to mine, then, poof. I can't remember anything beyond there."

"Well, I guess I might as well just tell you everything I know that happened last week."

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