Chapter 11 - Power Struggle

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Foxy's POV - Wednesday

This newcomer, Carson, seemed suspicious. He just had a bad aura around him. I brushed it off for later; that's not important right now. Lolbit hugged me after the scream. Freddy's probably not in good shape right now. I wrapped my arms around her. I heard a muffled sob below me, and my chest felt wet afterwards. She stepped back and wiped her tears away.

"Wait. What if I climb through the vents to find out what they're doing to him?" Carson stepped forwards. I looked at him with confusion.

"Do you have some death wish or something?" Baby spoke up. She had a good point. This new guy was shrouded with confusion, and I really did not trust him.

"Well, if you absolutely want to, I won't stop you." Lolbit said with a fragile tone in her voice. Carson lit up and walked off to the vent grate. He pulled it off and climbed in. He looked back and preformed a salute on his head with his paw... hand thing, then disappeared into the vent. Speaking of which, is... he, a guy or a girl? I really couldn't tell. His voice was on the line directly in the middle being a guy or girl and his physical structure was around the same thing too. He seemed off is all.

Carson's POV

I entered the cold metal ventilation shaft. As I shuffled along, the clanks were the only friend I had in there. I climbed along, shifting my legs and arms forwards slowly but surely. Eventually, I came across a rather sketchy looking part of the shaft. It bent slightly downwards, bending at it's own weight. Had this been broken? I passed through it slowly, cringing at every creak and whine of the metal. I looked down for a moment and saw what resembled a kitchen. It had been raided of its contents recently by the looks of things. After passing that, it was smooth sailing from there. After a couple minutes of climbing through the vent, I reached an open vent facing down. I looked slightly over and saw the single worst thing of my life.

Lolbit's POV

I walked over to Ballora and Bonnet and sat down next to them. Ballora was stiff and silently crying. Bonnet's eyes were blank and soulless. I couldn't even imagine what had happened judging by what Puppet had mentioned earlier yesterday. It'd almost happened to me too! I put my hand on Ballora's shoulder and she didn't even respond whatsoever.

"Ballora, do you... want to tell me what happened?" I pulled her into a hug, but she remained soulless as Bonnet was. Eventually, she snapped out of it and started crying. She pushed Lolbit away and started to talk.

"They... they came into the room. Three of them. Yenndo, Mangle, and Bon-Bon. Chica went to the kitchen instead of hanging around..." She stopped and started to sob loudly again. I hugged her again.

"It's okay, it's okay." She continued on after.

"Me and Bonnet were in my room, and they smashed the door down and grabbed us, beat us, stripped us, and..." She sobbed unconsolably now. Tears kept streaming down from her eyes. Bonnet's blank face and soulless expression was still plastered on her face, but a tear traveled down her face. I cried with them now. Foxy ran over to us and joined the hug.

"Aw, don't leave me out on the group hug!" He yelled with palpable enthusiasm. Ballora pulled away from the hug, and so did me and Foxy. She decided to continue after wiping her face of the tears.

"They... raped us. Yenndo pulled a gun on me and pointed it at my head. He yelled at me to never tell anyone, or Freddy dies." She didn't cry after that. It must've felt good to let that go. Puppet and Baby were still talking to each other. I swear, they have to be secretly dating or something. They are always talking! I hugged Ballora once more and left her, Foxy and I walking back to where we were originally. I sat down next to him.

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