Chapter 3 - Fog

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Foxy's POV - Sunday

I got up this morning to an unusually quiet environment. Normally, it's bustling with activity from my friends but ever since Friday, everyone's been quiet and uneasy. Maybe they just all got shook up, but I'm probably the most shook up, and it's all because of her. I mean, she wouldn't have died if Mangle wasn't here. Speaking of which, how did she get here? Regardless, I made my way into Puppet's room to find him monitoring Lolbit's fractured condition. He's been staying up late now, trying to revive her completely, but to no avail. I appreciate his attempts at it, but his health is important. I stepped away from Puppet's room and looked out across our dining area. It almost looked like it was carpeted with fog. Every room looked the same way. Maybe it was because we were all shaken up by Friday. Maybe It was just my mind playing tricks on me. I didn't really care right now. I passed by the bounce house and slumped onto the couch. I didn't know what to do anymore.

Freddy's POV

I paced back and forth through my room frantically. I didn't know what to do. This was all my fault. He was going to come here with the rest of his friends to pay us a visit, and I knew they didn't have the best intentions. All they wanted was to know what happened to her, and they might want her to themselves, and who knows what they'd do to her! I don't wanna think about it. I have to tell Foxy, it's the only way. Though considering the circumstances right now, he might be mad, it's all I can do. No more being a stereotype of an idiot, it's time to be serious.

We might all die.

Puppet's POV

Ugh, these results are, less than optimal. Her pulse, temperature, hardware, and integrity are minimal. Her signs are dwindling, and I don't know what to do. I've tried oil transfusions, but that didn't work. I've tried re-wiring her, but that also didn't work. I'm running out of choices now. I'm losing more and more sleep because of this. It's a medical anomaly, like one I've never seen in my life. I've studied all the books I have to find an answer, but to no avail. It's really painful to know that someone's life is in your hands and probably many others on top of that too. It hurts a lot. I can't replace Lolbit's hardware, because that'd wipe all her memory drivers because whoever made her obviously didn't want anyone to tamper with the hardware. If I have no choices left, I might have to. It's the only thing we can do if nothing works. Let's just hope that doesn't happen. If I did all my diagnoses correctly, then she has a pretty bad virus along with severe oil loss. And on top of those two are broken wires and some gnarly cuts and gashes. I'd project the chance of survival to about, 16%. It's not looking very good for her.

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