Chapter 12 - Bite The Bullet

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Carson's POV

I stopped moving immediately. Lolbit and Foxy stopped too, as did everyone else. Ballora and Bonnet woke up too, visibly scared.

"It's rude to not respond, guys!" The voice yelled again. It sounded like that exo-skeleton guy from where Freddy was. No one moved a muscle. Painfully long silence continued for what felt like forever until the person at the door walked away. My joints started to work again, but I didn't move. It could be a trap if anything. After minutes of silence, I got up very slowly. Lolbit glanced at me, then at everyone else. I stepped to the door, past the two next to me, then to the wooden door. I pressed my body against the door, listening to the outside. I heard nothing. Then, a sudden inhale from outside alerted me to a presence outside. Though, I was too late in reacting. The person outside shot a bullet through the door and into my chest. I inhaled sharply and tumbled back. All of my new friends froze. I lay on the ground and held the wound.

"Nope, no one in there, Yenndo." A voice similar to Mangle's from earlier yelled rather monotonously outside. They had to be lying! They shot me, and now they're saying we're not in here? I hardly believed it! Then, pop. The throbbing in my left hip doubled. I fought every urge to scream in agony right now. Blood trickled down my side, painting the ground a tragic crimson. Baby slowly got up and tip-toed me. She wrapped some extra bandages around my waist. I held in every moan of pain as best as possible, but I wasn't the best at pain management. I would've mostly been worried about internal bleeding and organs that might be hurt, but I didn't care right now. This pain was ten times worse than any pain I've ever had. The bullet went straight through me and dented a cabinet behind me, which is probably why the group left after the clank from inside. I lay on my back and groaned in pain. Baby tightened the bandage around me, doubling the pain for a short while. Lolbit and Foxy walked slowly over to me and knelt. Lolbit asked if I was okay in a very quiet whisper and I nodded through the perpetual agony. Then, everything slowly started to flicker away... but I just, couldn't fight...

Lolbit's POV

Carson flopped his head back onto the ground with a thump. He was out for the count. I was still recovering from the shell shock of the gunshot, but I was still paranoid. I sat down next to Carson's body with Foxy and couldn't start a conversation. It didn't feel right.

"Is he okay?" Foxy asked Puppet. Puppet looked at him with the angriest face I'd seen on him.

"Yeah. He'll be fine." Puppet responded. I looked at the cabinet that bent. The bullet must have gone straight through him! I looked back at Foxy, who was laying down on his back. I lay back next to him and hugged him.

"Please, don't die on me," I said, fighting back tears. He lied his hand on me and replied:

"Well, I sure hope I don't die yet, to be honest." I laughed as I cried at the same time. He laughed with me too.

"What the hell?" Puppet said with anger still in his voice. I sat up and looked at him, then where he was looking. On Carson's body was a large purple substance. It had several variations of purple and was growing rapidly across his body. It covered every part of him. We all stepped away. Ballora and Bonnet had scooted to another side of the room, just to be sure. After every part of him was covered, the substance disappeared as fast as it appeared. Carson woke up immediately after it had gone.

"What the hell was that?" Puppet yelled out, and so did the rest of us. He sat up and looked around, confused. He looked at his side, and there was... no wound anymore? I was confused, and eventually, everyone else noticed too.

"What... happened?" He asked as he stood up. The pool of blood that was under him was no longer there either! "I was unconscious... and all I saw was just purple for some reason."

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