Chapter 8 - A Helpful Hand

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Puppet's POV - Tuesday

I shuffled over to the desk and typed hastily.

P) okay so a bunch of guys just showed up an...

I was stopped mid-sentence by a conversation outside. I pushed my head against the door and eavesdropped on the ongoing scuffle. I heard muffled voices talk back and forth. This whole situation was pretty stressful, even as an understatement, it was terrible. I was really stuck in between this whole thing. I can't just sit here, I though, I'll end up dead too, if that's what they want. God, what the hell do I do? 

Lolbit's POV

I was quite shocked that Foxy had the same feelings. It was mutual, and I was shocked by the moment, I guess, because I fazed out of reality for a bit. "You alive?" He asked, still audibly nervous. I nodded and looked at him. He was fighting a smile, small cracks of a one showed. He was a different shade of red all over, and I probably was too. 

"Um, so does this mean we're, like, a thing?"  He stopped for a moment, then started again.

"I mean, sure. If you want to." I nodded, finally smiling widely. I inched closer to him; the tension was palpable. "Are we going to...?" Foxy didn't answer. Out of nowhere, a massive headache hit me.

Baby's POV

"Um..." I was stuck in between two choices, and both were a trap. If I said yes to them, all my friends would hate me. If I said no, they would definitely kill me on the spot. "Uh... sure?" Oh no. I thought, I am so screwed right now. 

"Great," Yenndo cheered and high fived Mangle, somehow, "we've gotta find Bonnet and Lolbit right now, so keep an eye out, okay?" I nod and swivel around on my heel. I sped walked over to the dining area and hid in the bouncy castle. Man, I just wish we could go back to normal. I remember when we we're all friends and all together here. That was so fun. My thoughts we're cut short by a vent gate sliding open and falling down from the colorful ceiling. A small, orange human-sized cat with brown spots dotting his body peaked their head out. I assumed it was an ocelot, because Puppet wouldn't shut up about them for a day one time.

"Oh, uh, hi!" They waved a small paw at me and started their decent down, and by that I mean jumping down and smacking against the bouncy ground. They hopped down and bounced back up. "Uh, sorry for the lack of introduction, I'm Carson." By the sound of their voice, they were most likely a guy. He stuck his hand out, and I stood for a second, puzzled, then shook his hand. "Yeah, uh, sorry again. I really don't know I got in, wherever this place is. Who are you?" I stopped for a second and thought, Who is this guy? This place has been abandoned for ages by humans, let alone some humanoid cat!

"Sorry, I'm Circus Baby, or just Baby. Me and my friends live here right now and-" I heard a loud bang and immediately grabbed his hand and jerked him with me out of the castle. We ran into Foxy's room and locked the door. Our place of refuge is really not a good spot, with three separate vents going to several different rooms. Mangle definitely could fit in all of them, judging by her side.

"What is going on here?" He inquired, and I really didn't blame him. I stacked a couch against the door as a makeshift defense and turned around to talk.

Freddy's POV

I barricaded the door shut and huddled against it. They would so absolutely kill me if they found me. What would I do? Foxy is in limbo with Lolbit, Baby is in grave danger, though she definitely does not know it, and Puppet is just in the middle of it all, and Ballora and Bonnet are so dead. Those three are bloodthirsty killers and will do absolutely everything they need to to get what they want. A loud bang brought me in reality again. It sounded like it came from Ballora's room, where Bonnet and Ballora are... wait. OH GOD NO.

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