Chapter 10 - Congregation

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Carson's POV - Wednesday

The adhesive bandage stretched out and wrapped around a wound. I really didn't know what they were bleeding, but it really didn't matter. One of many bandages on them.

"What happened?" Baby asked, audibly distressed. The taller one flopped her head back onto the ground and sobbed. Maybe it was best we didn't ask right now. I continued onto the smaller pink one. I tended to her wounds, and it didn't take too long. She was much smaller than the other one.

"Just wanna know, what are your names?" I asked hesitantly. 

"Ballora and Bonnet." Baby looked up at him. She had pure fear on her face. Her pupils shrank and she sputtered out, "Please, don't let us die." She looked back down at Ballora, then stood up. She walked into Ballora's room and opened a drawer, judging by the sound. I stood back up and helped them stand.

"Who are you?" Ballora asked. She was shaking in fear, literally.

"Carson. Don't ask how I got here, cause not even I know." Baby handed them both clothes and they gladly put them on. They were both still crying out loud. Bonnet climbed up Ballora's arm and perched on her shoulder.

"Thank god... we're safe!" Bonnet yelled out, her voice coarse and broken, probably from screaming too much. We all gathered ourselves and walked to the door. I cracked it open a tiny bit and peeked outside. It was a barren hallway, pure horror material, and was dead quiet. I opened the door more and stepped out. They stayed in Ballora's room, watching through the door. I kept on going until I got to a door across the hall. I tried it, but it was locked. Suddenly, a click followed with the swift opening of the door froze me in shock. 

"Wha-!" A white blur grabbed me by my shoulder and yanked me into the room. "Oof!" I tumbled to the floor, then the world went black.

Freddy's POV

I heard the door rattle. Someone was trying to enter. My room was barren with my furniture against the door. I huddled in the corner, holding in my sobs. Tears streamed like a waterfall down my face. I held my face against my hands. This was all my fault. They're all going to die, and I'm to blame. Out of nowhere, the vent grate above my room fell to the ground with a underwhelming clank. I glanced up to see who it was.

"No..." I mumbled, my voice raspy from crying. A figure poked their head out.


Carson's POV

I shuttered my eyes open slowly. I lifted my gaze up along with my head and looked at the person in front of me. I rubbed my eyes and gained a small sliver of urgency. I sprung up and stepped back. It was the same person who yanked me down! They stepped towards me, but Baby stopped her, stepping up from another wounded person on the ground.

"He's friendly! He helped Ballora and Bonnet! Calm down Lolbit!" Baby said with fear and urgency. She lowered her fists from her fighting stance.

"Sorry 'bout that. I'm Lolbit. You're Carson." She walked away and towards another fox. She hugged him tightly. Lovers, I presume. I haven't gotten that far yet in my life. I walked over to the Puppet-looking person and knelt next to him.

"Hey there, I'm Carson." I said with a false sense of safety. He reached his hand out and I shook it.

"I'm Puppet." He released his weak grip and looked back up at Baby, who was handing him food. I stood back up and sat down on a gurney. The two foxes were talking, Baby and Puppet were conversing, and Ballora and Bonnet were hugging whist crying. I lied down on the gurney and just thought. Thought about what brought me here, who I am, and what's going on. I knew what my name was, what I am, and whatever small puzzle pieces I have scattered in my brain about myself. I know I was studying being an EMT. Maybe that was why my instincts told me what to do when those two were nearly dead. Thinking about that made me remember another thing. Some... friend I think. I can't really tell accurately what, but I know there's some friend I had. It seems so close and important, but I just can't make out what's wrong about it. The memory just felt so pivotal.

"You awake?" Lolbit yelled at me. I sat up slowly and got off the gurney. 

"Yeah, somehow." I walked over to where the others were standing. They were gathered in a circle shape, a around the center, where Lolbit stood. She stood tall and firm, as if ready for anything. 

"Alright, we have to go get Freddy. He'll be helpful in our mission later on where we take back our home. Our friends. Our lives!" She tightened her fist. "So, whaddya say? Let's go get Freddy!" She jumped up in the air, pumping her fist up with her. The other fox did it with her, but no one else did it. This joy and enthusiasm was unusual in a time like this. Puppet seemed about as dead as a corpse. Baby was as close to being depressed as you can get without actually being depressed. Ballora and Bonnet were shell-shocked from... something. I don't know, and I really don't wanna find out. I was just in the middle. Undergoing a metal dilemma, trying to jog my memory and being a newcomer. No one knew what to think of me. I don't blame them either. in situations like these, no wonder people get desperate. Then, a scream rang out through the building. Lolbit shrank into fear. Her pupils shrank and she hugged the other fox. She said one thing.

"That's... Freddy."

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