Chapter 6

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Tywin went back to King's Landing because he is hand of the king that is where he belongs. While Joanna and Sansa went to Casterly Rock where Sansa will get married. Stepping into Casterly Rock Sansa was very nervous on getting married becoming the high lady of a great house. But Joanna helped Sansa, Joanna pulled Sansa along the halls of the castle getting to the room where Joanna help Sansa put on her wedding dress. 

The Wedding dress had colors of gold in the dress along with metal decorative all around the dress. Joanna did her hair and lead Sansa out of the room to bring her to her son Alexander so they can married. Now Sansa Stark is Sansa Lannister, Sansa was so happy to married to a handsome man. She wanted to be the Queen but that did not pan out for many reasons and she will have to be okay with it. Joffrey and Margaery were ruling as King and Queen are not parents. By that Margaery gave birth to a daughter and not a son but she tells joffrey that they can keep trying. Of course at this time Margaery has Joffrey wrapped around her finger, but the old Joffrey still comes out and it get real hard for Margaery to control. Cersei was thinking of ways on not to marry Ser Loras Tyrell and to get rid of a few people that she is growing to hate. Some how Cersei was able to get Joffrey to see what Margaery really was and for him the thought of just having a daughter filled him with disgust. So Joffrey being himself had an order to kill the Queen Margaery and their daughter. The order pushed out and Queen Margaery and the princess were dead. And that started a conflict with the Tyrell's, but Joffrey acted like nothing happened in the  start and then he started to get mad and spoke the truth on what he did. And that made the Tyrell's pull away from the crown and align themselves with Dorne for the time being. 

Without Margaery around Joffrey returned back himself. Where it was causing problems around the kingdoms. Joffrey was looking for a new wife, he thought about Meredith Stark to be his wife but he found out that she was already married off to another northern house. And he knew that it would take to long to march up to the north and collect her so he moved on. Joffrey was getting worse everyday while he ruled. 

In Winterfell after a few days Sansa left Rhaelle, Erik and Coen went to house Bolton in the dark night to go kill them. Erik and Coen wondered why Rhaelle wanted to kill the boltons so she showed them what she saw. So they were with her, they believed her and they were going to help her. When they got to house bolton they slipped in killing the guards on duty. The broke off from each other Rhaelle found Lord Roose Bolton's room and she leading over his bed looking at him. Rhaelle had a dagger in her hand she slowly stabbed Roose Bolton in  the neck and watched him die. She soon after met but with Coen and Erik killing all of the Bolton men saving Ramsey Snow for last and the three took their time with him before killing him. They left and bathed in the river before returning home to Winterfell. It did not take to much of time for the deaths of house bolton came into the light. No one knew who was the cause of it. 

All went on in Winterfell smoothly and calm. Arya kept practicing with her needle, training when she can. Her half siblings helped along the way to better herself. Since two major houses are out of the game by the hands of Rhaelle the chess pieces are forever moving on the board. In Casterly Rock Sansa stayed there for awhile until she had to be a companion with her husband heading the capital. And Sansa saw first hand how sick Joffrey is in his head, she was there in the capital when Queen Margaery and the princess was killed, it got much worse after that. Sansa did not feel safe in King's landing while Joffrey was king. 

Joffrey was pushing the boundaries on everything, acting like an adolescent child that could get his way. It went on for while until others had enough of King Joffrey. That means Joffrey was being an adolescent child doing things that the mad king did. Horrible to his mother and his younger brother Tommen by locking him up in of the cells just because he wanted to. Cersei found that out and was scared on what else he could do. There were just to much things that Joffrey was doing that was pissing a lot of people off.

Joffrey became a huge threat and a problem to the realm. Which that problem needs to be fixed.

So one day Lady Joanna Lannister, Joffrey's grandmother came to king's landing to see him. Cersei also followed her mother to see the king. They stepped into his rooms where Joffrey was getting tailored. The three of them were talking, as they were talking Joffrey chose poor words to discuss in front of his mother and grandmother.

Joanna got up from her seat to stand in front of her grandson, she gave him a smile, spoke some words trying to reason with him but it was not working. Joffrey pulled away from his grandmother. Cersei tried next but it did not work.

So Joanna tried again. Joanna got real close to Joffrey looking him in the eyes, Joffrey gasps while he looked at his grandmother. Cersei frowned her eyebrows while looking at the two. There was blood coming down Joanna's hand because of the dagger that was in Joffrey's neck.

Soon enough Joffrey was dead, killed by his grandmother. Both of the woman placed Joffrey on the ground. Joanna went to wash her hands in the bowl.

" I thought you were going to do a quick cut across the throat where he would died faster." Said Cersei to her mother.

" I did think about that but I chose my method. Now you listen to me, Joffrey is dead. Now you need to put Robert's next son on the throne. Move on from Joffrey, it is better this way. Which I am glad that you came to me to tell me everything. Since Joffrey is dead there will be peace now in the realm. On the person who killed the king we will just it was a slave. And life will go on."

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