Chapter 20

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It has been 5 years since all were in King's landing after the great war with the dead. Winning the war the King Arthur Baratheon called a meeting about it something that has been on his mind for a long time. So Arthur broke up the kingdoms as it was once before. Arthur Baratheon is still king but he is king the stormlands. Arthur and his wife have 7 sons, royal princes of the stormlands. The other baratheons followed Arthur in the choice that he made,Tommen with his wife Eleanor had more children over the years. As result both of them had 6 daughters and 1 son. Tommen could not be more happy than he is now. 

Princess Myrcelle and her husband Prince Trystane are a loving couple that have two beautiful children. Princess Allyria and Prince Dagos, the crown prince of Dorne. Prince Oberyn comes to Dorne to the children of his nephew on his brothers side. But Also Prince Oberyn heads to the capital because of his other nephew that is the King. When Arthur stepped aside Aegon would rule king's landing. Aegon found his wife that he could not get out of his head, a lady from the reach of the house of Tarly. She is Lady Talla Tarly, now Queen of the crownlands.

Rhaenys Targaryen stayed in the north because she felt more at home in the north than anywhere else. She has always had a growing passion for Coen, so both of them became married in the north. In the Westerlands Lord Alexander Lannister became the king along side his wife Sansa and now their 4 children to keep the lannister line going on. 

The riverlands are still held by Martha Frey Queen, she did take up a husband but she made sure that no power escapes from her. She made the title of Prince consort for her husband which he is from the house darry of the riverlands. 

The iron island is run by the Queen Yara Greyjoy which is the last of the greyjoys. 

For the North, all of the northern houses choose there King and Queen. Which the bastard Erik Snow and Rhaelle Dayne. Erik took the name stark as his last name and started a new dynasty  for the north. The rest of the starks took the titles of the princes and princesses of the north.

And for Jon Snow known as Aemon Targaryen the younger brother to Aegon became the King of the vale by Yohn Royce. And for the Reach, picked a Queen, the last daughter of the house Blackbar. All was good again as it was before, many were lost from this fight but everything was moving forward. The night king that Rhaelle turned back into a human was still in Winterfell, Rhaelle let everyone know who he was. 

That the night king is a stark, Magnus Stark. The he was one of the first Stark of the first men that arrived in the land. Rhaelle made him human, yes but she made sure that he would feel the pain that he caused for a long time. Magnus was so out of it, he was human again and there was nothing more that he wants is death to stop the pain and the fear he caused. But Rhaelle was not going to let him die no matter what. All of the wildlings went back over the wall or some stayed in Winterfell. The Wildlings did trading with the Starks. 

As the King and the Queen of the north her and Erik made a small council, Prince Rickon became the master of coin for Rhaelle and Erik. They were making their own ships, everything and anything that stayed in the north. King Aegon Targaryen also made his small council and the hand he chose was Lord Tyrion Lannister. 

While in the capital Tyrion Lannister met a lovely lady and they married after 6 months of knowing each other. Arya Stark now a princess traveled the world because she knows that is not her to be a lady and she is okay with that. 

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