Chapter 10

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Cersei was going to handle the Tyrell problem to the royal family but her plans were found out by her father and Tywin stopped her. Cersei had to wait for her plan against the Tyrell's, during that time King's landing was getting hard. Meaning that  the Tyrell's were becoming even more  big of a pain. The Tyrell's were keeping  all of their food and not giving any to the capital, Tywin was trying to broker a peace with the Tyrell's with Lady Olenna Tyrell. 

With the growing problem of the Tyrell's Tywin and Tyrion were butting heads with each other. Tywin finds anything to pick at Tyrion, and that was a growing problem. This went on for weeks between Tyrion and the Tyrell's. And it ended in a bad way due to Cersei and her plan. Cersei did not tell many people, not even Jamie. Tywin had the tyrell's come to King's Landing for a talk, to discuss what actions that needed to be done. But before and during that crime Tywin had enough of Tyrion and he had Tyrion locked up for a crime he did not do, Joanna heard about and she was trying everything in her power to free her son. She did not mind that the way he was, Tyrion is her child and she loves all of her children. Tywin just wants to get rid of him and be free from Tyrion. And Tywin plan was working until someone help Tyrion get out of his cell and with that Tyrion went to find his father to get answers from Tywin lannister. Tyrion found his father while Tyrion was holding a weapon pointing at his father. Tyrion wanted answers on what his father hated him and did all of the things in order to kill him. But in the end Tyrion killed Tywin. This happened at the same Cersei's plan was in action. 

On the orders of Tywin bringing the Tyrell's in King's Landing for talking Cersei stationed wild fire in the garden where they all are. Cersei just waited for the wild fire to start and blow away the Tyrell's. What Cersei did not know was that her mother, sister, aunt and a few others were in the gardens, when cersei was told this she went to the garden trying to save her mother she did not care for the others just her mother. But Cersei was too late in the matter, the garden blow up from the wild fire. The cause of it shook the red keep a little bit and it scared many people. Cersei was broken she accidentally killed her mother, she wonder how Tywin would find out. But soon enough Cersei found her father dead and that was done by her brother Tyrion. Cersei was filled with vengeance for her father, she was going to kill Tyrion if that is the last thing she will have to do. 

The ones that died from the wild fire and Tywin Lannister were buried in the sept and life went on. Arthur was in his office looking over the map in the court yard looking to see what house would be good enough for Tommen. Cersei walks in and see what Arthur is doing so Arthur tells her of his plans for Tommen. Cersei took a look of the map " what about house redfort. that could be a good match of Tommen. It is great that you are taking care of your brother."

" Thank you mother. You better hurry and leave or you will miss your ship to Dorne."

" Dorne. what do you mean?" Said Cersei

With a large smile " What I mean is that you are going to dorne to see Mycrella. I figured it would be good for you to see her. And plus she has been asking you to come over."

" Really?"

" Yes, really. Go  mother". 

Cersei was over the moon she went to her rooms to change and pack, all of the things she pack were loaded on the ship and Cersei set sail to Dorne. When Cersei arrived in Dorne being very different than King's landing. The first person she saw was Prince Oberyn which he greeted her to Dorne. Soon Myrcella saw her mother and Myrcella beaming seeing her mother in Dorne. Cersei and Myrcella talked for hours where Myrcella showed Dorne to her mother, while Myrcella was showing her mother around Oberyn was watching, his paramour came to his side. Oberyn told his paramour about his niece and nephew that are alive and are living in the north and that they are protected by house Stark. Oberyn being the skilled fighter he is and the truth he told in Dorne to others  and they are coming to his side leaving Doran not to many men on his side. Oberyn was planning a trip to the north with his paramour but that would be suspicious of a Prince of Dorne going to a cold massive land of the North to see the Starks. So he and his paramour needs to get into the North without anyone knowing. 

In King's  Landing the Lady Eleanor RedFort came to the capital became she was called by Cersei where later she was going to marry Prince Tommen Baratheon. The Wedding was a few days later in the capital Eleanor was getting her dress on by the help with her ladies. Her dress is completely red having rubies matching her dress then she was ready to get married. Her father walked her down the hall of the sept where she saw the king and queen among lords and ladies inside the sept. Tommen and Eleanor made their vows, becoming the new married couple in King's landing.  The wedding was a perfect time to have in King's Landing with all of the deaths happening. 

Tyrion was able to make it out of King's Landing by the help of varys and Tyrion was able to get to Casterly Rock where Alexander is the head of the family now due mainly by Cersei's actions. Alexander saw his brother and Tyrion told him what he did to their father. Alexander understood why Tyrion did what he did to their father. 

" Tyrion. You are my brother and I will always love you, and more than ever let me protect you". 

Tyrion busted out crying because he thought that Alexander would turn him away but he did not. Both brothers embraced each other like for dear life, then both hear that someone was there and it was Sansa with William. Sansa walked over handed William to Alexander and she hugged Tyrion giving him  reassurance that he is safe and that sansa has love for him in her heart. And she introduced her son to his uncle, a family of three. Alexander would later take Tyrion aside into the office to tell him the other things that happen, about the deaths of the Tyrell's and their other family members that Cersei had killed. 

Lady Eleanor RedFort/ Princess

Tommen's Wife

Tommen's Wife

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Prince Tommen Baratheon

Prince Tommen Baratheon

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