Chapter 11

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After the wedding of Prince Tommen Cersei was changing into  a different person. She was the cause  of the  death of her mother and finding out that her brother Tyrion killed their father and that her brother Alexander is protecting him. Not only that Jamie was on Alexander's side but he was conflict because loves Cersei. 

Cersei stayed in King's Landing watching over her children trying to pull the strings behind the scenes. She mainly consume a lot of alcohol threw her days not really caring on anything. She took up her father's desk for a time until her son the king came and removed her from that. Arthur , the king talked with his wife about marrying of his mother to someone but he knows deep that she will not do it, that she would find another way to get out of it like the Tyrell's.

So Arthur has to plan this out the right way without his mother finding out his plans. He wants his mother be out of the capital, away from everyone so that everyone can go on with their lives. He could not send his mother to Casterly Rock because he knows that Tyrion is there. And Arthur was not going to do anything to his uncle Tyrion, personally Arthur did not really care that Tyrion killed his father, Tywin.

Arthur has other important matters to take care of. While Arthur was looking into houses that he could marry off his mother he was also looking for new hand of the king. Arthur found the right person to help him serve as hand of the king, the youngest son to the lord Hawick of the riverlands. The main person who helped Arthur choose a member of the house Hawick was Lady Martha Frey the head of the riverlands.

The young man was called to the capital, his name Jasper Hawick. He is not the man choice that one would think of but that is what Arthur wanted. The young man was so scared to be in the capital and to see the king, the court. But Arthur made sure the young man was settled for before they started on anything. 

All was done on finding a hand of Arthur and now it was the most hardest thing that Arthur would have to do, find his mother a husband. As Arthur looked at the map of the noble houses trying to find a house that is very far away from the capital so his mother won't come back to king's landing. Then he saw a house in the reach that is very far away from king's landing, house blackbar.

Arthur knows there are fair amount of members in that house, Arthur needs someone to be strong enough to handle cersei, to put her in her place if needed. So Arthur looked up the book of the members of house Blackbar and he found the most suitable man that can control his mother. Arthur started to write letters to the house of Blackbar, seeing when they could make the journey to the capital and discuss certain things. Once Arthur was finished with that he thought that a walk in the garden would be nice. Walking in the garden he sees his wife, her hands on her belly surrounded by her mother, and his sister-in-law, (Tommen's Wife) all in the garden enjoying the sun that the capital has to offer. 


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The next day in King's Landing Arthur was on the throne listening to peoples complaints and wishes that they want to speak to the king about. Arthur got a message from from of one the servants telling him that the Blackbar's are closing in, getting close to the capital. 

This is going to interesting. 

Arthur leaves the throne room to head to his office and wait for Soloman Blackbar to come inside the red keep. As Arthur was waiting  in comes a brute of a man into the gates of King's Landing to meet up with the king. Because the king offered him his mother as his wife and the man needs one. Soon Soloman was walking to the kings office to discuss matter at hand, the conversation between the two went on real well. Arthur dismissed Soloman for a short moment so he can call a small council meeting that summoned his mother along. Arthur that she would not be happy to hear on what he has to say. 

" Thank you all for coming I have important things to say during this meeting bur first all of the prisoners in the cells ship them all to the wall for the night's watch. Now the second thing is that the Blackbar's are here in court, they came from the reach over night I might add."

" For what reason your grace?"

" The reason is for marriage."

Cersei laughed at that comment. 

" They all came here to marry? They better head back to the reach". Cersei said.

" They will once one of them gets their wife that they have came for."

Cersei looked at her son wondering what he doing. 

" And who is the man you are speaking of?" Cersei said

" His name is Soloman Blackbar. And he has come here to marry his wife to be. That is you, mother".

Cersei looked at her son wondering if he was joking. 

" What do you mean?"

"Exactly how you here it mother. I promised your hand to his and it is done, you will marry Soloman Blackbar."

" No I won't".

" Mother you seem to forget you do not have a choice, I made the order and you will do as I say. Grandfather is not here anymore, he can not protect you. And if he was here I know that he would back me on this. You can do what you want mother, cry, fight, whatever, but you marry him tomorrow in the sept even if I have to drag you down the aisle myself to see you get married and to personally watch you leaving King's landing for good!" 

With that Arthur left the small council to go to his rooms and rest his mother is giving him headaches beyond anything else in the world. 

Warrior Soloman Blackbar

Warrior Soloman Blackbar

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