Chapter 19

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The dead was gone. The light has shine through winterfell, just dead bodies littered the field of the North.

Just a few Starks were left. A lot of many people of the houses of the North and Beyond have dead for the greater cause for the living.

Erik it looked out onto the field find someone that he loves. Rhaelle. But Erik could not see her the whole field was covered with bodies. So the remaining ones that were standing collected the bodies to take report of the ones that did died in the battle. Among the first group Robb was found died along with Eddard, Coen found them and he told the others.

Soon enough on the outside Eddard, Robb, Sara, Thaila and Ethan bodies were collected along with the dead. And Meredith's husband, Lord Knott was also dead, the people in the crypts came out bloody as well. The men of the night's watch went into with Jon and they found many other bodies died from the dead inside the crypts.

Among the body was Lady Catelyn Stark. Rhaenys was wounded greatly, Aegon was helping inside the castle, Oberyn came quick to his niece and nephew's side. Ellaria sand came out of the crypts and she found Oberyn, Rhaenys and Aegon were tired and one can see it on their faces.

Cyrus found Rickon alive and well, little wounded but he was alive. Both of them went to get Bran, found Theon Greyjoy dead as well in the godswood. They brought Bran back inside the castle and Meredith came out of the crypts and she ran to bran making sure that he was okay. Meredith was looking for her husband and she saw him on the carriage of the dead, it broke her heart to see her husband gone. Their marriage was based on love, true love.

Meredith broke down and her sister Arya helped her, gave her comfort that Meredith needed. Coen and Erik met up and the look in their eyes was worry because they could not find Rhaelle. Sansa and Tyrion were out in the open looking for Alexander, and Alexander came out wounded but he was helping his men to the aid station. Alexander saw his family giving them a smile all ran to him hugging for dear life.

Arthur Baratheon was helping collecting the dead bodies that were outside the castle walls. It was Arthur that found Rhaelle in the field, Arthur sent a runner to get the Starks because he found Rhaelle. Erik and Coen with the others ran to the field and they found Rhaelle struck to a unknown man having the dagger in their chest.

Both look dead, Jon carefully pulled Rhaelle away to see if she was dead. But she was alive, Tormund looked at the man so did Jon and they both knew that the unknown man was the night king but human. They could not understand if it was real or not. Erik checked if Rhaelle was still alive and she was alive Erik took Rhaelle inside the castle so she can treatment.

Jon and Tormund to the night king, but they did not know if they should believe it or not. All collected the dead and put them on the wood burials for all that lost their lives while many treated the wounded. Rhaelle was treat among thousands, and for the Dragons, the seven of them stayed in winterfell, those beautiful creatures belong to Aegon and his sister. it took some time to collect everyone but all were collected and put to rest .

There was a peace in the air, to the unknown man that Jon and Tormund put in the cells were the dogs were kept. Both of theme were trying to figure out who the man was until Bran came behind them and told them the truth.

That Rhaelle reversed the curse the children of the forest made on the man and that made the walkers. Rhaelle did the one thing horrible than death. Jon and Tormund wanted to know who he really was but Bran told them that is for Rhaelle to tell.

Erik stayed by Rhaelle bedside and waited for to wake up. Her wounds were real bad but the maester said that she would live. Rhaelle would remain unconscious for a few days and when she woke up Erik was by her side. The remaining had a huge celebrations about the victory against the dead. Arthur Baratheon sent an message to King's landing to his wife that all is well and that he will be returning very soon.

Queen Alice read the letter as she was holding her baby in her arms, glad that her husband is alive and coming back to her.

King Arthur gathering all of the important members that were in the north to have a talk with them. Arthur wanted all of them to come to King's Landing with him. So all traveled to the capital, the dragons flew over head of them all.

Once arriving in King's Landing Arthur with everyone following behind him entered the red keep.Queen Alice saw her husband she ran to him, the fear in her scared her that she might not ever see him again. Arthur took his wife and the others inside the meeting room were the small councils are always held.

" So I have a few things to say. Please take a seat if you want to. Not that the major threat to all of us is gone we can return to our lives. But I am not okay with that, what I mean is that we lost so much but we, each of us individually different came together to destroy what was more important. I am staying that ( looking at prince Aegon Targaryen) the throne is yours."

All were confused on what Arthur was speaking of.

" Now I don't want any one to get confused, so what I mean is that the kingdoms that we know each broke up again, we rule together but separately. For you Aegon, you are the son to Prince Rhaegar, you own the throne. Were you and your subjects would stay and rule the crownlands. To Lady Martha Frey, you would have the riverlands as you will be Queen. For you uncle the westerlands would be yours and the lannisters to come, you and my aunt would be the king and queen. Where me and anyone that has the last name Baratheon would rule in the stormlands, and for the starks you could choose a king or a queen of your choosing to rule the north."

" For you greyjoy, the iron lands are all yours. How do you like that yara".

" The stills the vale and the reach". Said Martha Frey.

" Yes it does."

" The vale is still the vale but house Arryn is no more on the actions of littlefinger by killing the young boy Robin, so Royce! come forward"

Yohn Royce came forward and he gave the king a slip of paper on who the vale want as their king for the vale. King Arthur read the paper and looked at the group of the people that he asked to come to king's landing.

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