Chapter 5

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The plans that Tywin made for all of his children only Bridget and Alexander made it through and Princess Mycrella match deal with Dorne became approved.

And Tywin is pushing Cersei to marry Ser Loras Tyrell but she is butting her head with everyone.

Princess Mycrella was the first to leave King's landing and head to Dorne. To make things easier Tywin Lannister along with his wife and two of his children went to the north. Were Alexander and Bridget will meet Robb and Sansa. It was a long journey to get to the north but they got there. Eddard Stark welcomed the Lannisters to Winterfell. Bridget and her mother came out of the carriage, Robb looked at her and he was intrigued by the young lady.

Alexander saw the lady Sansa Stark standing next to her parents having a huge smile on her face while she was looking at Alexander. Having blue eyes and blonde hair, standing real tall and he will be her husband. She will be the lady of Casterly Rock of an old noble house.

All moved inside the castle to have a feast and for all to get to know each other. Tywin wanted his daughter to married right away and he wants to see her get married before leaving winterfell.

Bridget was getting in her wedding dress, her mother and ladies helped bridget get ready for her day. Bridget is scared but she has happiness. She just arrived in the north just a few hours ago and now she getting married to a man she does not know to much but she thinks that she can get to know Robb.

Bridget was ready and her mother brought her to Tywin so he can bring his daughter to her husband before leaving.

Robb and Bridget said their promises and vows in front of the gods and now that they are husband and wife. Bridget is no longer an Lannister, she is now a Stark by marrying into the house of Stark. All were having the wedding feast and Tywin along with his wife were going to leave in the morning along with Sansa.

That would give Sansa the time to say goodbye to her parents for the time being.

Rhaelle and Erik along with Coen stayed at home, meaning the statement that Rhaelle said to Erik about killing the Boltons would have to do later.

For Lady Martha Frey that was supposed to marry Tyrion Lannister did not because many underestimated the young lady proved to be very smart. She was not going to let her power disappear. So the Lannisters failed with the Twins.

In the next day all were leaving, Eddard and Catelyn did not want their girl to leave home but they knew it was bound to happen. And plus the deal was made between the two houses. Sansa dressed in a fine looking dress that she made herself went to hug her parents and older sister and her older siblings even her half siblings which her mother did not like but Eddard stopped her from making a scene.

Sansa took the hand of Joanna and went to the carriage leaving her home for a new life that is going to be full of adventures and the game of politics of the court.

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