Chapter 17

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Now that Cersei and Jamie Lannister dead, things pushed through. The princes along with their wives helped the Queen in king's landing. Helping Alice when she needed it.

While king Arthur was heading to Winterfell with 60,000 men of his choosing for the fight ahead. Things were being placed in the castle of Winterfell. The Dornish were already at winterfell along with the head of Casterly Rock. Lady Martha Frey arrived in the north with her own army, of 20,000 men of the riverlands. And when the king arrived in the north with his men Eddard was blown away from how much came for him when he asked for help.

Not only that Jon up in castle black was readying himself specially when he was stabbed to death by his "brothers" but later bought back by the red woman. Now since the wildings are safe up in castle black in Jon's side they too are going to be apart of this fight against the dead. The remaining men of the night's watch were also on Jon's side.

They all moved to Winterfell, all together thinking about the plan of attack. Each day that all were there the days were not lastly, it was becoming more colder than before. And the nights were lasting longer, all were worried for what will happen.

In king's landing Queen Alice knew about the deaths about Cersei and Jamie and she could care less about the whole deal. Alice soon found out how Cersei was able to leave the reach. Cersei ended up killing her husband and almost half of house blackbar.

The ones that survived that ordeal Queen Alice sent word about Cersei's death to please them. And they would more than pleased about Cersei's death.

In the north all of the battle plans were made for the fight ahead. Snow started to pick up in the north when it should not being snowing. All of the fighting men were taking their places amount the castle, Eddard wanted his daughters to go to the crypts where they would be safe. But they were not having any of it. Specially Rhaelle, Eddard wanted her to be in the crypts but she told Eddard; " I need to be there, to fight him. Besides he will be looking for me on the field."

Erik followed Rhaelle after the talk with Eddard. Erik is worried for Rhaelle, he does not want anything to happen to her but he knows that she has her own mind.

The night has fallen in Winterfell with snow blowing on everyone, half were in the castle resting before the fight. Rhaelle was outside standing looking over the wall into the darkness waiting for the action to come. Erik came to Rhaelle to have a talk about certain things. The conversation between them was awkward but Rhaelle knew what he wanted to ask her she was just waiting for him to actually say what he is feeling. But Rhaelle was done waiting so she pulls Erik in to kiss him which he is surprise by but he loves it anyway.

1 hour after that Rhaelle had a vision about the night king breaking the wall down and the dead following behind him.

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