Chapter 8

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In King's Landing all were getting ready for a royal wedding to happen in a few days. The streets of King's landing were buzzing of seeing the new Queen. In the King's rooms Arthur was getting ready for his wedding. He was dressing himself in the finest clothes that were made for him, for the special day. 

Stepping out of his rooms followed by the king's guard walking to the sept to await his bride. When he arrived in the sept he saw his grandmother Lady Joanna and his aunts along with them was Lady Fiona Lannister that arranged the match. Arthur greeted all and then he saw one of his uncles, Alexander coming down the hall with his wife.

Arthur and Alexander embraced each other and then Alexander bought his wife in front of Arthur so both can have an introduction. Sansa was more than happy that Arthur was now the King and not Joffrey, she knew that things were get better around the place. And Sansa greeted the king formally but Arthur was not having that. 

" No, no please, you are my aunt. You are family. Welcome Sansa, welcome to king's landing and I do hope that you have a good time." 

As all were talking in the sept Lady Alice Stoke was getting into her dress that she had made herself. She could not believe that she was about to be Queen of seven kingdoms, and that the king chose her and not her sister. Her sister was always the one that got picked for everything never Alice. 

Alice's dress was ivy colored with detailed lace that surrounded the whole dress, paring her families jewels to finish of the dress. By the time she was done Alice was standing in front of her father that was being her to her husband.

When Arthur saw his wife to be he could not look away from her beauty. Alice walked down the hall of the sept crossing arms with Arthur as they said their vows and promises to one another. The houses Baratheon, Lannister and Stoke are joined as one. All moved to a larger area where all had the feast. At the feast Arthur did invite the Starks to King's Landing ahead of time before his wedding date.

And the Starks agreed to come to the capital. Eddard came with his wife Catelyn and Arya, Rickon, Bran and few of the bastard children. Sansa was shocked to see her family again, she raced to them hugging them for dear life. Sansa asked about Robb, and the simple response was " A Stark must remain in Winterfell". But Robb send her his love towards his sister. The feast was in full swing, and it was lively due to the many guesses that came to the wedding. One of the guesses was Prince Oberyn of Dorne.

He was watching everyone and everything, his eyes landed on the Starks. He looked at each and everyone of them but stop when he saw someone that looks so familiar to him. Oberyn arise from his chair and his paramour was wondering what he was doing. She followed his eye sight to the girl that was close the Starks. So his paramour figures that he wants the girl but no. Because that girl is his niece, at least that is what he believes and what he wants it to be. 

So later that night while still in king's landing the Starks were giving one the best rooms on the orders of Arthur. Catelyn took Arya, Rickon and Bran to their rooms while Eddard stayed with his other children and his trusted men. Then Prince oberyn walked over to the Starks to get a closer look at them. It was a new thing for Eddard because he never met  Prince Oberyn. With a nod form Eddard everyone left the table so Eddard and Oberyn can talk alone.

The way Oberyn was looking at the young woman Eddard knew that he should tell Oberyn the truth. 

" Prince Oberyn. I really don't know you personally but I should tell you the truth. A couple years ago when Robert's war with my sister and the death of yours and her children."

Oberyn sighed while looking away from Eddard. 

" I was with my men at the time when a man on horse back was coming at me, I did not think anything about so I got my sword ready. But it was a targaryen loyalist that had to small children with him." 

That got Oberyn's attention real fast. 

" The man told man told me who the children were. That him and Elia Martell switched the children that looked the same. And Elia would stay in King's Landing while the loyalist took her children to safety. he was going to dorne but he found me first. He knew the type of man I am, that I would keep the children safe." 

" I don't know if I should trust you. They could be any one's children."

" I figured you would say something like that." 

Eddard pulled out something that the man gave to him all those years ago and put it in Oberyn's hands. Oberyn looked at what it was, it was an old necklace that he got for Elia before she married into the house Targaryen. Oberyn knew now that Eddard was telling the truth, that his sister's children are alive because of her and the man named Eddard Stark. Oberyn was filled with too much emotion it was a lot to take in. 

" Your niece goes by another name for her protection. I gave her the name Rana, telling all that she is my daughter with another woman so she has the last name of snow. But she knows the truth of who she really is and the same with her brother." 

Oberyn was so greatful on what Eddard Stark has done for his family. That night ended it joy, tears, and many other emotions in between.

Rhanerys/ Rana Snow

Her brother Aegon/Asher Snow

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Her brother Aegon/Asher Snow

Her brother Aegon/Asher Snow

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Elia Martell
( died/ killed by the mountain)

Elia Martell ( died/ killed by the mountain)

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