Chapter 9

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After the wedding of the king and the new queen of the seven kingdoms the Starks were leaving the capital. And the children of Elia Martell were going home to Winterfell and Oberyn would always know where they are. 

Sansa stayed in King's Landing for the time being until going back to Casterly Rock with her husband. Jon is a member of the night's watch and he has saw and faced some of the dead made by the night king. While he is dealing with rules of the night's watch and  soon  enough Jon will become the lord of commander of castle black. And Jon is real good at helping the wildlings over the wall, he has good mind for this type of sorts. Doing things that are right even that it feels wrong. 

Rhaelle stayed in winterfell for the time being, she was good because she took off the Freys and the Boltons of her list from the visions she saw. And the best part that the Starks are growing in power everyday. And everyday Rhaelle was getting stronger everyday and she was understanding thing about herself and her power. Things were peaceful in the North for awhile, until the Greyjoys started to act up again which the Greyjoys carried that on for a few months before getting crushed by other houses of the north putting the Greyjoys in their place. 

Time went on. Eddard was looking into marriages for his bastard children because it was time, they should get married but they were not hearing on what Eddard was saying. Soon enough Eddard stopped trying to get his children married off, Arya by now was brilliant with her needle and any other weapons she could use. Robb and Bridget are now parents, both of them are very important to Winterfell and the children they make will be Starks. And Robb and Bridget were actually happy together. 

2 Years Later 

In Casterly Rock Sansa was giving birth to her first child, the next Lannister child. That was a good thing because Alexander is the best husband any one could ask for. As Sansa pushed and pushed her child was born and midwives were there for Sansa to help her along. The child is a son, the midwives handed the child to Sansa. Sansa could not believe that she was holding this little bundle of life. Alexander came in to see his wife and his child, something more to fight for even more than now. Him and Sansa gave their son the name William that night Sansa and Alexander stayed close to each other and took turns to hold the baby during the night while the other one slept. The news of the baby hit all of the kingdoms that Sansa gave birth to a son, Tywin was delighted that the Lannister line could going on through his son. 

Tywin continue his work as hand of the king. Arthur attend every small council meetings and listened to everyone at the table.

But Arthur could see right through some people that were in the small council. The first one is little finger, Arthur could see what little finger was doing in between the lines. The next one is pycelle. So one day by his own hands Arthur tricked pycelle and killed him like it was nothing. Arthur had other plans for Littlefinger. But when Arthur was not in the small council or other king duty's which Arthur took very seriously, he was with his wife.

Since Joffrey had Margaery Tyrell killed the Tyrell's pulled themselves from the crown and are in war with the lannisters because they know the truth of each and every royal children. The words Olenna Tyrell said about them pissed off Cersei but not only that Arthur can clearly see that as a threat. Arthur has to protect his family even if he does not like them. Besides Mycrella and Tommen are close to Arthur the most, and even though that they are lannisters from Cersei and Jamie's relationship they are good children.

Since Mycrella is married to Prince Trystane Martell and she is living happily in Dorne.

It is one of her favorite place in the seven kingdoms

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It is one of her favorite place in the seven kingdoms.

As Arthur took Olenna's threat to mind and soul he had to think of a way to get rid of the Tyrell's. The crown does not need any problems, of course he feels for them by the lost of Queen Margaery. But the actions that they are doing to making to many issues for all. So Arthur called for someone to speak about the matter in hand of the Tyrell's.

Walking in, hearing heels walking against the flooring of the kings rooms. Arthur turns around and sees his mother their.

" Mother, I am glad that made it. I have a few things I would like to say."

" what is the matter that you want to speaking about".

" The Tyrell's. They are a problem, you know it and I know it. I need to figure out a way to get rid of them. To lessen the issue at hand, but I am not quite sure what method I should use."

" Let me handle the Tyrell's. Once done the Tyrell's will not longer be an issue".

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