Chapter 7: Energy

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This time, you woke up way earlier, not wanting to fight a bunch of agents again. You heard a knock on the door,

"Comrade? Are you up?" Tartaglia asked from behind the door. You quickly got up from the bed and opened the door, startling him.

"That looks like a yes" he chuckled and walked over to the kitchen.

"It's still early, we can have a nice and short breakfast. If you want to that is" he sat down on the counter and looked at you from afar. You smiled, seeing all the delicious food he had prepared, but you had other plans.

"I'm very sorry, but I have to leave earlier than the usual" you said going into the bathroom, freshening yourself up and walking towards the door.

"Are you sure you don't want a quick bite?" he asked, just to make sure.

"Yes, I'm sure. Thanks Childe" you said and left his home.

"Did she just..?" he couldn't believe his ears and just smiled while eating his breakfast.

You walked down the cold Snezhnayan path and stopped at a shop, getting something quick to eat for the road, continuing to walk right after you got your order. The sun was shining, even though it was still very cold, but it was a pleasing day nonetheless. On your way to the Zapolyarny Palace you stopped by at Signoras home,

'Hmm..should I wait for her? What if she doesn't want me to be with her in the morning..? That doesn't make any sense, she has to deal with me either way'

While you had your inner-argument, Signora was getting out of her home, surprised to see you. She walked towards you and stopped, you looked at her and didn't know what to say,

'Should I greet her? She looks so unpleased..I mean she always looks unpleased, but right now she just looks way more unpleased tha-'

"That's quite a surprise. Seeing you here and that so early?" she smirked. Her tone came out way more softer than her usual icy cold one.

"Oh-. Uh, yes. I got up a little bit earlier. I wanted to take my time and enjoy my walk to the Palace" you answered. "Also, I don't know if you ate yet, but I got you something for the road.." you handed her the bag of a sweet you bought, it had a very soft and fluffy texture, the inside had a nice moist layer of a sponge cake, on top was a cream, containing a little rose as a cherry. She stared at the bag for a while, mostly at the rose.

"Signora? Are you alright?" you tilted your head. She shook her head and accepted the sweet.

"Yes. Thank you, Y/N" she said and walked down the road, you followed.

As always, your walks with her were very quiet, nothing but silence and the wind brushing against your faces and hair.

"Have the wishes of the Tsaritsa changed in my absence?" you asked her after a long while of cold silence. She shook her head,

"The Tsaritsas wish is the same as ever. Nothing will change her mind, you should know her" she answered.

"I know.."

You looked at the Palace in front of you, growing bigger with each step.

"What about your wish? Are they also the same as the Tsaritsas?" you stopped and looked at her. She also stopped, but didn't turn around. You saw her hands shake a bit, she hid it quickly by putting them on her hip,

"We have a lot to do, so let's not waste it with any chit-chat. Alright?" she answered in a cold-tone and walked past the Palace. You looked down, thinking,

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