21. Making the Most Out of It 💥

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" I wonder if my heart is so heavy because I hold more love for you than any human is supposed to"

Life isn't fair.

No life just isn't fucking fair, Katsuki decides as he let's a firey red glare fall outside his window.

Izuku has been with him for a week and it's been great, more than great, it's been fucking amazing coming home to that nerd every night. It's made the time he has to spend back here while he transfers shit over to his replacement so much better because he and Deku had decided that the greenett would stay with his boyfriend until Katsuki was finally finished and released to go home to start his new job back home with Izuku.

One week, they had one fucking week left, a breeze right? Easy since the main reason Katsuki was so damn anxious to get back home was with him, so this would be cake right?

Yeah, until that cake got launched full force at both he and his greenetts face when an early more call was placed to Izuku from Aizawa informing the greenett that he had to return home and almost right away, as in the next God damn day right away.

There has been an uptick in villain attacks lately, the blonde himself can attest to that but back home it was suddenly worse, way worse and Japan needed it's number one hero back in the fight.

That's something that isn't sitting well with Katsuki for a number of reasons.

One because he doesn't think Deku's shoulder is ready. Izuku had done some much damn damage to his arms over the years that any injury to them made Katsuki nervous, even tho his boyfriend reassures him all the time that his shoulder is fine. A firey blonde has his doubts.

Second reason is the thought of Izuku going home to fight a bunch of villains hell bent on destroying the city without him is making his stomach twist and knot to the point he actually might be fucking sick.

Yeah yeah, sure Deku is strong, sure he's the number one hero for a reason, sure he's been fighting off villains without Katsuki for the five years he's been gone, but things were different now, and tho the blonde hero had always worried about the greenett's safety that feeling was intensified now x's a hundred, no a thousand, no a million? Oh fuck it, there's no God damn number for it really, he just knows, he worried, very fucking worried.

And the third reason, well was probably the simplest.

He's going to miss his Deku, his nerd, his clingy, cuddley, too bright for the God damn sun boyfriend who at every corner seems to be taken from his grasp once again after he fucking finally had him, the way he had always wanted.

No life was not fucking fair and Katsuki has decided that this has to be some kind of karma biting him in the ass for all the years he had put off claiming that gorgeous green eyed hero as his. It fucking has to be.

Is he being a big baby, I mean its only a week? Is he actually going to fucking pout now for a full week taking it out on anyone who steps into his path? The answer is.....

Yes, abso-fucking-lutly, and he knows it.

God help poor Arcane because if he thinks his hot headed, moody, touchy bomb trainer was bad before, shit was going to be worse now.

The blonde hero sighs heavily sitting back on his couch watching the night sky of the city start to come to life with lights dancing across building rooftops.

Izuku isn't even gone yet but there's already a feeling of loneliness seeping into the blondes chest and he hates it.

He's lost in his own thought, so lost that he doesn't hear his boyfriend come back into the room after the greenett had had a face time meeting with All Might.

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