5 | Doing Business

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The sun glares through the glass walls of the eleventh-floor gym, making it hard to focus on my workout

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The sun glares through the glass walls of the eleventh-floor gym, making it hard to focus on my workout. As I run on my machine, the light lulls my brain into tiredness. With tiredness comes thoughts of being in bed. Thoughts of being in bed reminds me of sex. But, at this point, what doesn't?

It has been too long. Four whole months since the accidental roommate altercation, karma is taking its sweet time. But, if I'm being painfully honest, I haven't had great sex since last summer.

That shit was crazy. Teagan and I were bitching about the heat outside our rooms one minute, then fucking on the floor the next. A spur of the moment fling that left me so fucked up, I thought for sure we'd do it again. And then she ghosted me. Hard. Now, I'm still thinking about itobsessing over ithoping she gives me one more chance to see her staring up at me with that look, to hear her whisper my name, to feel her nails dragging down my back while I


My surprise makes me trip and almost fall off the machine. I catch myself and stand on the sides, glaring at Ritchie. He leans over the arm of the treadmill beside me and smiles like an asshole. "What the hell, Rich?!"

"What? I called your name like six times. Where is your head at?"

With a roll of my eyes, I hop back onto the belt. I lower the speed and grumble, "What do you want?"

"I was trying to ask you about Ryan's party last week."

Ritchie's tone always sounds like he's plotting something. I swear, every part of him screams punch me in the face. Five-six max, pale with auburn hair and freckles. His baby face makes him look sixteen and he looks like he gets his hair cut by a sous chef. Yet, somehow, he's still getting laid more than me.

My breath picks up when I increase my speed back to what it was. "What do you mean?"

"Did you score with that girl?"

There's a reason no one likes Ritchie. "No."

"Damn, man. How long has it been?"

"Why don't you mind your own fucking business?"

"Yikes," Brett says when he magically appears in frame. "What crawled up your ass and didn't sleep with you?" His tongue hangs out when he laughs and slaps his palm against Ritchie's.

"Man, fuck both of you." I turn off my machine and head for the showers.

Rich follows me. "Chill, bro. We're just teasing."

I get both of them free access to this gym when they have plenty of money to join it themselves, then all they do is tease me? Nah. Fuck that.

"Heath, you know we're just messing with you. You're just pent up," Brett says, hanging an arm over my shoulders. "You should fly out with us this weekend and see the new boat. Let off some steam outside of the states."

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