36 | Barely a Choice

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TRIGGER WARNING: The following chapter contains discussions of an eating disorder and reproductive health topics to which some may have personal objections.

The opinions and situations within this story do not necessarily represent the author, and therefore, she is not deserving of your personal or political opinions presented in the form of angry comments.

The opinions and situations within this story do not necessarily represent the author, and therefore, she is not deserving of your personal or political opinions presented in the form of angry comments

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I shake my head at his audacity. "Fuck you, Heath," I seethe through my tears.

I turn and keep going toward the room. The sound of the rain pelting against the deck drowns out his pleas for me to stay. When I make it to the room, I unlock it and he catches up again.

"Stop following me! I don't want you in here!"

"It's my room too!"

I try to slam it closed, but he stops it with his shoulder and comes in.

"I got pregnant? That's why we broke up?!" I yell at him. "Don't you dare put this all on me! As if you didn't get me pregnant. As if you didn't make the decision with me, then turned around and cheated the second it was over!"

"I didn't cheat on you! Oh my fucking god, Teagan!" he yells right back, his volume high to match mine. We're lucky there are no neighbors to hear us. "How many times do I have to tell you before you believe me? I never even thought about being with anyone else. I was there with you the whole time!"

"Bullshit!" I throw the pillow at him and he blocks it. "You were there, then you left! I was wrecked, and you moved on like nothing happened!"

His eyes go wide. "I moved on? You think I moved on?!"

"It took you less than a month to go fuck someone else!"

"Jesus fucking Christ, Teagan! I swear on my mother's life I never cheated on you!"

I stare at him. He would never play with a phrase as serious as that—never play with anything related to his mom or her wellbeing.

"I slept over at Ritchie's to keep him from asking questions about our trip. At some point, I passed out and his dumb ass invited girls over. I didn't even meet them."

He stares me down with the truth behind his eyes. I can't find words to say back.

"You were the one who left, Teagan. You were the one who went cold and wanted nothing to do with me!"

"I went cold?" I feel the angry tears run down my cheeks. "You didn't think that was because I was depressed? That I was so fucked up about what happened, I could barely get out of bed—barely hold it together while hiding it from everyone?"

"You don't think I was feeling the same way?"

"It was not the same for you. Fucking hell! I couldn't even pee without being reminded of what happened! I had to tuck it all away, only cry in private, because the only person I could talk to about it was you!"

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