6 | 7:56

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Knowing how Teagan is, if she says she'll be over at 8:00, she'll be outside my door at 7:58

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Knowing how Teagan is, if she says she'll be over at 8:00, she'll be outside my door at 7:58. The idea of being with her doesn't usually get me going, but something about this arrangement of ours has had my little man rubbing against my zipper all night.

I reach down and give it a little squeeze and find I'm harder than I thought. I'm not sure I'll make it to 7:58.

The quiet tapping on my door catches my attention. I glance at the clock in the kitchen and smirk when I see it's 7:56. "You're early," I say when I open the door.

"I'm always early." She walks past me to let herself in. Immediately, she drops her things on the island countertop like she lives here.

Her outfit is different from before. The t-shirt dress doesn't look like much, but probably costs a grand. The thin material looks slouchy while still tracing every curve of her waist, hips, and ass. Beneath it, I can see the line of her thong, and the criss-crossing front of her black bra. We both know she doesn't roll out of bed like that. She wants this as bad as I do.

"I don't want to rush you, but could we make this kind of quick?" she asks, turning around to lean back against the island. "I forgot I have a thing tonight."

Quick? I get to get in her sooner than I thought? My pants suddenly feel much tighter. "Yeah, sure. No problem."

When I step closer, her eyes flit around the room, avoiding mine. Her long lashes flutter when she looks down as I lean my hands onto the counter behind her, caging her between my arms like my prey. She brushes her straightened hair over her shoulder and looks at me as if she's unfazed.

"You're nervous," I tease her.

Her eyes narrow. "I'm not nervous," she hisses. Her snippy demeanor makes her so edible. "I agreed to do this thing because you said you could give me an orgasm in five minutes. If you're going to be all talk, we can call this shit off and—"

She stops short when I reach up her dress and slide her panties down her thighs. Her mouth closes when I move my hands back up to grab two overflowing handfuls of her perfect ass. I watch her bottom lip catch between her teeth when I pull her body against mine. "Do you want to keep bitching at me or do you want me to make you come?"

Her glare remains, but her mouth stays shut.

My cock is rock hard as I smirk. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

I kneel down and rip her panties down the rest of the way, holding them while she clumsily steps out, the little piece of lace tries to catch on the buckle of her shoes. As I stand, I swing her leg onto my shoulder. She murmurs something about me not needing to, but I'm not doing this for her. I'm hungry. 

She smells fresh and clean, her warm honey scent hidden underneath. I slide the tip of my tongue up the full length of her seam, feeling the delicate petals against my tongue, tasting the sweetness waiting for me deeper inside. Mmm . . . I pull her other leg onto my shoulder and lift her up to sit on the counter, spreading her wide for me while I continue to taste her.

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