21 | I'm Sorry

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Summertime. And the livin's easy.

It's hot. I'm hot, my skin misting with sweat and threatening more. The air is thin. My breaths feel like they give me half the air I need. It all brings me in and out of a conscious state. One moment, I'm floating in a warm haze as if my bed was the soft sand of the beach, and the next, I'm back to reality, gasping, shaking, my thighs tightening around my hand while I tangle Heath's hair between my fingers.

His head moves as he slides his tongue up and down my seam, then stops to circle my favorite spot. The pleasure rushes through me and I have to stop myself from leaving him bald. I move my hand to grip the sheets instead.

A moan slips slowly from me. My hips grind against him. "Come here," I beg. "I can't do it again like this. I need to feel you."

He hums a no against me. "I'm not done yet."

His fingers trace down my seam and slip inside. His fingers curve up while he flitters his tongue against me. My surprise and moan come out in a singular, "Ooh!"

Talk about an upgrade. I dumped a man who thought oral sex was disgusting, and now I have one who whines if he doesn't get a taste. I let my head fall back and welcome orgasm number two.

The warm sand swallows me, blanketing me heat that rises to my head. My breaths become quicker and quicker as I verge closer. Suddenly he stops, leaving me on edge. I glare at him but my anger fades quickly. He rolls on the condom with impatient speed. I hide my smile the best I can, waiting for what comes next.

He falls forward onto his palms and his hips settle between my thighs in one fluid movement. He looks down at me with a knowing expression. As if doing a dance we've practiced a million times, I lift my knees to tilt my hips toward him and he sinks inside me with no hands.

His presence makes my eyes roll back. My body is sensitive and needy, I feel every inch of him as he stretches me around him. He pushes in deep, adjusts his stance, and pulls my hips toward him to push in a few more sweet inches. When he starts to move, I'm lost again in the heat of summer—breathless, hot, and loving every second.

He fucks me hard. I only hear the slapping sounds when my moans quiet for a breath. Every thrust slides me up on my silken sheets. My head leaves the edge of the bed. Then, my shoulders. "Heath," I moan, "I'm falling."

"I got you."

He has me in more ways than one. My upper back dangles from the mattress while my hips stay firm in his grasp. In my arched position, he hits me in all the right places. Over and over, the pleasure shoots through me. His eager pace and his desperate grip make me so hot. I love when he takes me just how he wants me.

"Oh my god," I whine, gripping his wrists to hold on the best I can. My legs are tense, my pussy tight around him. "Oh my fucking god."

His hand moves from my thigh to my stomach. He rubs his thumb against me in time with his thrusts, making the pleasure burst inside me. I call out loudly, my body shaking with my impending climax. "Come on," he commands with impatience. "Let go."

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