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Knowing I get sex soon, my mood is one million times better

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Knowing I get sex soon, my mood is one million times better. I don't mind cleaning up after people and chatting up grandmothers when it shaves a couple of hours off my countdown. The time flew by. Now, I'm sitting at the long VIP table facing a crowd of faces I don't know, choking on the smell of flowers and house-brand sparkling wine. When I hear the signature tap of a glass, my mood only sours a bit.

Speech time. I'm not afraid of public speaking, but I'm not a fan of it either. Luckily, no one wants to hear a speech from all ten members of the wedding party. I get to sit this one out, but I still have to sit.

The whole wedding toast thing is stupid and predictable. Someone always cries, someone always tries to be a standup, someone always gets so nervous it looks like they're going to piss their pants.

I zone out during the speeches, barely listening to Mary's brother's and the start of Teagan's.

"So, I guess I mostly want to thank you, Mary," she says. "Thank you for making my best friend the happiest he has ever been. And, from all of us, thank you for making him significantly less of a douchebag." The crowd laughs. "In all seriousness, congratulations. I can't wait to see where the future takes you. Cheers and Salud!" The crowd repeats her final word. We all take a sip.

Teagan's speech is flawless. Of course it is.

Our little deal has no effect on her. She told me I could get it, then she got back to business. Meanwhile, I can barely keep my mind off it for more than a two-minute stretch.

When I pay attention again, Brett is choking up. I stare at my plate, fighting back my urge to roll my eyes.

"We've always done everything together, ever since"—he takes a breath to compose himself—"ever since we were little kids. And . . . I'm so happy we get to move into this next stage of our lives together, too. I love you, man." Ryan stands up and gives him a hug. The crowd awws and applauds.

Jesus, he acts like they're the ones getting married. I clap, trying to keep my thoughts from reaching my face.

Finally, it's over. Teagan goes to get the mic, but Ritchie stands and grabs it before she can. Her smile drops to a flat line. Going off script? That's gonna piss her off.

"I just wanted to say congratulations to you both. Mary, Ryan, you two are amazing together," Ritchie says. The alcohol's effect on his judgment is glaringly obvious. "Your love is an inspiration, and I can't help myself from wanting the same. So . . . Tonight, surrounded by all our friends and family . . . There's something I wanna do."

I look over and see Teagan's eyes widen at the same time as mine. No, no, no, no, no.

"Gigi, I love you so much," he starts as I stand to grab the mic from him. I barely get my hand on it when he spills, "Will you m—"

I snatch it and cover with, "Will you all stand and join us in toasting the happy couple one last time?" I lift my glass from the table. Chairs screech and people rise from them, the sound covering Ritchie's grumbles. I shoot him a glance. "Congratulations, Mary and Ryan. Here's to a lifetime of well-deserved happiness."

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