29 | F*cking Amazing

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I wake up in a bush

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I wake up in a bush. Not the fun kind, either.

Teagan's hair is halfway up my nose. I push it from my face and settle back onto the pillow. Somehow, we're spooning. My eyes trace over her body laid against me. One arm folded against her bare chest, the other outstretched, her fingers woven between mine. How we ended up this way, I don't remember, but she looks comfortable. I am too.

Inching forward, I brush my lips against her nape, smelling her cocoa butter sweet scent. With a kiss, I taste her skin as I continue to breathe her in.

Last night was a trip. The last thing I expected to do was cry like a bitch, but here we are. I didn't know she was dealing with the shit she was. I guess she didn't know what I was dealing with, either.

Mortifying or not, it felt good to let it out. I'm happy last night is behind us, and happier that Teagan is still here.

My phone buzzes loudly against my nightstand. Careful not to wake her, I roll to my side and reach to grab it. Shelley's message glares on my screen.

I look at Teagan, then back to my phone

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I look at Teagan, then back to my phone. So much went down last night, I completely forgot about our rain check.

"Why is your apartment so cold?" Teagan grumbles.

I didn't know she was awake. "Hey."

Her hand squeezes mine before her fingers slip away. She rolls to her back, still in my arm, and stretches with a cute little squeak. I try not to stare at her tits as she does.

Her eyes blink open and look up at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"It's fine. I know I wore you out."

"He's so meek in the morning." She reaches up to her hair and pulls out a pin. "Dammit."

She sits up to mess with it, taking her chest from my view but replacing it with her perfect ass. She looks like a Greek muse when she pulls the white sheet over her chest, holding it there with a propped up knee, her hair tumbling into her face as she unravels it.

I sit up beside her, and she glances at me. Her hesitance mimics mine. I don't know if she expects me to kick her out or take her again. I'm not sure which I want to do either.

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