31 | She's the Friend

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Teagan's calendar reminder buzzes on my phone

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Teagan's calendar reminder buzzes on my phone. I still haven't canceled them. Why?

I'm not that much of a dumbass. I know she'll never forgive me, never let me that close again. So why can't I accept that? Why don't I want to accept that?

"Hey," Shelley nudges my arm. "Whatcha thinkin' about so hard?" She leans her cheek on her fist and gives me a cute smile.

What am I not thinking about? She makes it easy to forget about all the things swirling around my head. Well, all but one. "Nothing."

"It didn't look like nothing."

"Sorry, there's just a lot on my mind. Drama always hits a peak this time of year."

"The heat makes everyone crazy," she says. Another smile.

"It does." I turn off my screen. "Ready to go?"


Lunch is much less expensive than dinner. One of the new tricks I've learned while being an ex-rich kid. There's not a great way to hang out with people without spending money. Unless they come over. I still haven't had a girl in my apartment without the intention of getting her naked, so . . . soups and sandwiches it is. 

Shelley lives close, so we walk. It's hot, but not hot enough to warrant a ride. Another way to save.

"I wish I could go with you to the wedding," she says. I'm not sure if that's a hint or not. "Ibiza? That sounds amazing."

"It's just another island. I'm over it already."

"Well, it sounds fun. I've never been to Europe. It's in Europe, right?"

I smile. "Yeah, Spain. I would take you with me if I had a plus one." And if I had enough money to afford my own room.


Everything happened so fast, I didn't even think about sharing a room with Teagan again. The thought does something funny in my chest. I can't think about that right now.

"It's really stressing you out, huh?"

I shake my thoughts away. There's no point in worrying about the future. "It's over the top for no reason. I think they're trying to one-up our other friend's wedding from last summer." 

Last summer. Ugh, I'm thinking about it again. I should give up on thinking altogether. Insert dumbass joke here.

"Okay, so explain your friends to me again. The one getting married is . . ."


"Yes, Ryan. I remember that. He's the whiny one." Her correctness makes me laugh. "Who got married last year?"

"Brett, but if you boil those two down, they're basically the same person." I smirk at the thought.

"How so?"

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