34 | Don't Run

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Hearing him say it, I didn't think it would change things, but

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Hearing him say it, I didn't think it would change things, but . . .

I stare at him, waiting for him to laugh or segue into some sort of fuckboy line, but he doesn't. My heart leaps when his hand grips the nape of my neck and pulls me closer.

Our lips meet and I forget how to breathe. His kiss is everything. Calm and thrilling. Comforting and painful. My mind stutters the longer his lips are on mine. The contract, my love for him, my desire to ignore the past and start over.

I pull him closer and let him wash every thought away.

The kiss ends. I feel drunk when I look into his eyes. "Don't run, Teags. Please."

He holds me tight against him. I feel his heartbeat racing against my chest. "I'm not."

We kiss again, deeper and more passionately than before. Suddenly, a blinding flash and cracking boom makes us shout. We wrap around each other in fear, then laugh.

"Okay, no. I'm running now," I say. He chuckles and takes my hand.

The room is dry and safe. The rain pelts loudly against the pool right outside, the sound mixing with the rumbling thunder in the distance. Beautiful weather for a wedding.

When I look over, Heath laughs while wiping the water from his face. His white shirt clings to him, showing every muscle beneath it. My body warms again.

I want him, yes, but in what way, I don't know. But that doesn't matter right now.

He watches me as I step closer and pull up on the hem of his shirt, raising his arms to let me pull it from him. He returns the favor, stripping my dress over my head, careful to keep it from dragging over my face or hair. His ridiculous body makes me long to feel it against me again. In me again.

"Heath," I run my hands down his torso, his smooth, damp skin teasing my palms. "I don't know what you want me to say right now."

"I don't want you to say anything," he says, pulling me closer. "Right now, I want to do something much better than talking."

He tilts up my chin and kisses me deeply. The passion behind his lips turns my longing into a heated ache. I wrap my arms around his neck. His hands run over my ass before he lifts me by the back of my legs.

The kiss breaks when he crawls onto the bed. Rather than laying me down, he keeps me with him, letting me drop onto my knees. Chest to chest, the kissing resumes, his tongue licking mine, my lips sucking his. My hand slides between his legs, stroking over his building erection. His breath grows heavier against my cheek.

I'm too lost in my desire for him to notice him unhook my top. It tickles over my breasts when it falls away. He runs his hands over them, tugging my nipples between his fingers.

I break the kiss with a moan.

He moves to sit, pulling me onto his lap. His mouth circles my nipple, sucking it hard, then following it with a gentle tease of his tongue. The feeling sets my body on fire. When his mouth moves to my other breast, I'm convinced I can come from this alone.

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