8 | Rainbows and Popsicles

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Teagan is six minutes early this time, not that I'm complaining

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Teagan is six minutes early this time, not that I'm complaining. After my day, her text was a godsend. She waits at the door when I open it, wrapped in a cliché white cocktail dress and tall, cork-bottom sandals. Garden party for sure. 

There's a pissy look on her face, but it's not directed at me. A first. 


"Hey," she says. Nothing else. Not that anything else is needed.

I step to the side and she walks in, immediately heading toward my bedroom. "Let's do it in the bed this time," she says. So bossy.

"That's cool."

Once in the room, she kicks off her shoes and unzips her dress. Right into it again. Badass. I tear my shirt off over my head and resume my view at the perfect time.

Teagan adjusts the sides of her thong, the string completely lost in that perfect ass. When she pulls off her bra, it gets tangled in her hair. I chuckle to myself until she frees it and her curls tumble from her clip onto her back. She shakes them out with her fingers and looks at me over her shoulder. My little man knocks hard against my fly.

"Why are your pants still on?" she asks me with annoyance.

"Sorry," I apologize. I pull the condom from my drawer and toss it onto the sheets. Hastily unbuttoning and unzipping my fly, I barely get my pants off my hips before she takes over.

Teagan pushes me back to sit. "You're taking forever," she grumbles. When she lowers to her knees, I catch myself grinning like a jackal.

She inhales my dick like she hasn't eaten in days. "Jesus," I murmur as I pull my pants down a bit more. She sucks me so hard, I get tunnel vision. I see nothing but her hollow cheeks, her plump lips wrapped around me, and her eyes when she gives me a teasing peek.

She holds me in her hand and drags that soft tongue up my shaft, staring at me like she can see all the filthy thoughts flying through my mind. She swallows me again, my head pressing against the back of her throat. Fuuuck.

You never forget a great suck. Teagan is one of the best I've had—top three at least. With her pull on my dick, her soft lips and tongue teasing the tip, I debate whether it would be worth pissing her off by spilling myself down her throat.

When she stands, my eyes drop to her chest. Like a magnet, her tits fall into my face and my mouth finds her nipple. I lick the little bud, sucking it into my mouth for just a few seconds until she pulls me away by my hair. She holds the condom in front of my face and I get the message. Speed it up.

I do my job, watching her strip off her tiny thong and drop it onto the floor next to her.

Her tongue traces her lips, her legs settling at either side of my hips while I roll on the last inch. Without time for a breath, she sinks onto me, her pussy snug, hot, and already so wet.

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