10 | All Summer

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It's two something in the morning and I can't sleep

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It's two something in the morning and I can't sleep. Summers are supposed to be distracting, but my dad keeps pulling me back into reality and fucking up my day.

I hate him and the power he has over us. I want to fight him. Like, actually fight him. I dream of punching him in the face over and over until he's bloody and I'm out of breath.

My pillow is warm, my sheets feel heavy on my skin. I flip my pillow over and push the blanket down to my waist with a huff. My phone sits next to me. I pick it up and stare at it.

The last message I got is from Teagan. It's funny how the only people calling me are either fucking me or fucking me over. Not that I'm complaining about the former.

My cock twitches against my leg. I think about texting her, but I know she'll be pissed about me waking her, remind me about the schedule, and somehow manage to call me a dumbass six times. The thought makes me laugh.

My thumb opens the text box, but as I stare at the letters, I change my mind. She already gave me an extra day on Sunday, and it's already Tuesday. I can wait one more night.

Doesn't mean I like it though.

. . .

Work always lifts my mood, which shows me I did the right thing, regardless of what my dad thinks. It's a combination of two of my happy places. A free gym membership and the opportunity to work with some great patients. I'm pretty fond of the one I'm with right now.

Shelley is her name. Blonde, curvy, but still athletic. She's hot for sure. She loves the exercises I give her and she smiles through the whole session, even when I'm trying to kick her ass. It's good she has a nice smile considering how difficult it is not to stare at her tits.

She came to the hospital with a grade three MCL tear. Now she's walking with a brace and regaining her balance in strides. I have a thing about getting people back to walking. Having to relearn how to do it showed me how hard it can be, and how much people take it for granted. 

My hands hover below hers while she balances on the Bosu ball. Her left knee holds strong. The injured one twitches medially. "Knees over toes," I remind her.

Her knee moves back into the proper position. I'm so good at my job.

The timer on my watch beeps. "That's it. Come on down." She takes my hands and carefully rocks herself off the ball. "You're doing great."

"Thank you," she smiles like I hit on her or something. "I'm feeling great."

"No other tenderness or pain?"


"That's good. Just keep up with the regimen from Dr. Bennett and don't slack. I'll know if you do, and I'll make you pay for it," I tease with a grin. Her cheeks redden when she looks away. Yeah, I know. I'm hot. "See you next week, Shelley."

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