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I opened my eyes slowly finding myself in a narrow ally way surrounded by cockroaches and mice. I stepped out of the dark ally way while squinting my eyes from the sun... After I adjusted and put down my bag. I observed my surroundings just to find a humanized lizard men. The more I look around I saw hybrids that were just as similar.

There are demihumans walking around as if this is completely normal. There are these weird dinosaur-looking things pulling carriages, and the city that I'm in appears to be during medieval times...

"For some reason, this place seems, familiar." 

You were suddenly taken from your thoughts as you heard a man yell, "Watch out!"

You set your sights to where he's looking and see a small child about to get truck-kun by a carriage. Thinking quickly, you made a plan to stop the driver with little movement.

"I hope this works... Madam, I'm gonna borrow this for a while!" You stole her tomato and her cane then ran closer to the soon-to-be disaster. With sufficient aim, the tomato was chucked at the driver temporarily blinding him which cause him to swerve from the child. Even after that, the carriage seemed to go in a curvy zig-zig motion. You held the cane like a spear and yeeted it into the frame of the wooden tires successfully bringing the carriage to a halt. A person in armor took the girl off the street.

You recalled the event in your mind and saw a boy about the same age as you sticking his hand towards the girl as if he had some magical powers. The clothes he wear also seemed similar to your world...

'This place doesn't seem to be fake judging by the detail of it, saying that this is a dream would be a lie. Also, I'm sure I've seen this place before, and if I did somehow appear in another world, this means bad things are about to happen but at least my life is about to get spiced up a bit.'

It may not look like it but Y/n was silently cheering about this new outcome. Instead of boring old jobs and taxes, he gets to learn magic or something on the lines of that.


After apologizing to the old lady and packing his snacks inside his backpack, and a helmet, (A gift for saving the girl), he noticed that he could understand the language they speak but not the language arts. Which consisted of signs, books, etc.

Something was bothering him, this place seems so familiar but he just can't put a finger on it. He needs a trigger, something that will-

"Are you try'na pick'a fight wi't us?"

Y/n was brought back to reality by a shove to his chest. It didn't knock him back at all, but it was enough to make him stumble a little. He looked towards the offender and saw three more figures behind him. One was on the ground while the other two seemed to be kicking him.

"If ya trying to save this guy from the afterlife you got another thing coming!" 

The voice came from the guy with gray-bluish hair, rusty piercing, and raggedy attire. The other two who appeared to be his lackeys were sporting the same clothing.

"If you're asking do I have any connections to him then I have to say no."

The snake face started to walk away, "Then you have no business with us-"

Y/n decided to cut the man off with a sharp glare cracking of knuckles. "Either way, I can't overlook what's going on here!"

He hastily put his backpack down then sprinted towards the offenders swiftly which was a shocker to them. He closed the distance fast and delivered a hard right hook towards the big one. Knocking him out instantly. He then proceeded to soccer kick the shortest in his neck, not too hard to kill him though. 

"Give up yet?" He had a smirk that can be misinterpreted as cocky which was on full display but likely directed towards the thug with blue hair.

"Don't think you've won just yet! You don't even have a full set of armor!" The snake face pulled two medium-sized daggers from out of nowhere while at the same time, regaining his confidence.

'Now that's just desperate...'


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'It's was a sloppy strike, expected of an amateur.'

Y/n threw a left hook towards his chin. So hard the guy was off the ground and finally touched the ground after approximately two seconds.

"I hope it wasn't too hard... Hey, are you alright-" Once again interrupted, he looked up to see a feminine figure with their hand outstretched in his direction. "Return back what you stole and I will ignore whatever's going on here!"

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