A change of pace

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Everyone was mostly battle worn and tired. Subaru passed out a while ago from Elsa's last strike. I let it happen because I didn't want to change the storyline that moment. Emilia was
talking with Reinhardt about how Subaru is a strange person...

"What shall we do with him? If you wish to leave him to me, my family can take him in as a
guest." Reinhardt suggested but Emilia had other plans.

"No that's alright. I will take him with me to Roswal, he did save my life after all." I decided to
chime in sense Felt will be coming soon to return the insignia.

"Reinhardt, if it's alright with you... I unfortunately don't have a place to stay. So I was thinking
that you could perhaps bring me in as a guest? Just for a while." I spoke choosing my words cautiously...

"I don't see why not sense you did play a part in defeating the bowel hunter."

'Of course he would let a random stranger in his house. I don't feel bad taking advantage of his kindness. This way, I will be able to get stronger training with Reinhardt, then I will come to Emilia's manor after Subaru dies once. I might let him die twice just to get more training with Reinhardt and make my appearance in the 3rd loop. I'm sure Reinhardt will be able to unlock my gate by unknown reasons and that way, I will be able to get decent control over my magic during the loops. Not to mention, I have the novels in my bag just so I won't forget anything.'


I was riding in a carriage with Reinhard that was being pulled by two beautiful ground dragons. This was unfamiliar to me because it's not part of the story.

Felt was still unconscious in the back, Reinhard was cleaning his sword and I was eating Pringles (What's your favorite flavor?)

"What is that you're consuming Y/n?" He bathed in the aroma, causing his eyebrows to perk up slightly. I'm sure he was also wondering how I'm eating with this helmet on.

" Oh these? It's called Pringles, this particular one is barbecue flavored." Sorta weird explaining Pringles...

"So there are different flavors? How many?" He was taking quick glances at the chip in my hand. Then back to me.

"There are a variety of flavors and more in the making, unknown to this world..." A shining light came on my face while saying this.

"Actually Reinhardt..." I pointed the entrance of the Pringles can to him,―"Do you want to experience this magical flavor and bring your tastes buds to justice?"

He silently reached into the cylinder and pulled out 3 chips stacked together. Then he insert them into the entrance of his mouth, rubbing his tongue on the surface, under and through the stack. The sounds of munching could be heard all around the forest...gulping down his mushy remains, his crimson hair casted a shadow over his eyes...

"R-Reinhardt?" A bead of sweat rolled down my left cheek...

"That was amazing!" I chuckled a little. For the remainder of the trip, we ate our Pringles in silence.

A/n: Sorry this was a short chapter and that it came out late. I've been studying for school test which is more important then this story.

Next chapter you should start training with Reinhardt and unlocking your gate. But a few things I want to point out, First off, you will have massive amounts of mana You will be able to conceal it though).

Second, sense your an anomaly to this world, certain things don't apply to you, like Crusch wind reading, Echidna seeing your memories, and the gospel telling things about you. Also Pandora erasing your memories and Authorities.


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