Loot house

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We've finally made it to the slums and I got to say, it's actually worse than it looks in the anime. Recently Subaru and I, made a plan to go ask the residents here of Felt's home. I asked 3 people so far and the directions all match. Currently, I'm going back to the place we decided to meet back at...

This place is in the most terrible condition I've ever seen! It reminds me of my hometown in my world...

While thinking back to my universe, I accidentally bumped into someone. I only have 2 conclusions on who this could be, A kid or Elsa the Bowel Hunter.

"Oh, do excuse me. Are you alright?" I heard that of a women's voice. I looked down to see a lady dressed in black with purple highlights. She was wearing a dark cloak that concealed just her backside while the front was rather revealing to the eye.

Not gonna lie, it was actually appealing to me. I made eye contact with her and spoke in the most polite voice I could muster.

"Oh, sorry I didn't see you there young lady. I'm fine, are you okay?" This interaction was getting pretty weird, but knowing that I'm in a fantasy world, conversations like these are common, I think.

She put on a creepy smile and her face darkened a little. "I feel like we will see each other again sometime. I can already tell that you're very interesting just from a glance."

"Likewise, But act too scary and that beauty will go to waste, you know '?" She stared at me, then licked her lips in a sexual manner―

"Likewise, But act too scary and that beauty will go to waste, you know '?" She stared at me, then licked her lips in a sexual manner―

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―and then walked past me while trailing her fingers on my peck, over my shoulder, and down my back.


'What. The actual. Fuck... That was one of the weirdest encounters I've ever had in my life! I admit, it felt pretty sensational... But weird at the same time. What the hell is wrong with me.'


I was looking around and saw Subaru over in the distance talking to Felt. I jogged over and introduced myself as well. A little while later, she took us to the Loot House for the negotiation. Also on the way there, I told Subaru that I'd ran into the Bowel hunter and suggested that she might be the other client the Felt was talking about.

"Okay now cover your ears." She told us sternly. Felt knocked on the door three times slowly. She turned back around and I uncovered my ears discreetly. I then heard some loud rustling noises, and a loud groan followed by a few curse words.

"For a Rat..."


"For a Whale..."

"A Harpoon."

"To the noble dragon lord, we are..."


The door opened. We followed Felt inside to see the great giant himself, Rom. He was absolutely massive. He was like 7x Shaquille O'Neal for heaven's sake! The others noticed my little surprised expression, and the giant smirked seeing that I was staring at him. I'm used to others looking up at me since I'm 6'9, but Rom... Wow.

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