New ambitions

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I awoke from a jerking motion, a bump in the road... Then opening my eyes even further, I happened to see a castle. Its layout was better than the imitations of artist. Decked in gold and rubies, the windows beyond polished like it was a new...

 Decked in gold and rubies, the windows beyond polished like it was a new

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"Oh my words... Reinhardt, this is your home!?" I was very shocked. I have never seen anything like this. I'm sure its been around for many years, this castle must have been passed down in the lineage of sword saints. Now its Reinhardt's.

"Y/n, I'd like you to meet some people, there already waiting for you at the gate." He pulled gently on the reins as the ground dragon went faster. Coming closer to the gate, I could make a outline of man. "Greetings my lord."

Upon closer inspection, I saw a old man with similar features to William. they had the same static expression and aura.

 they had the same static expression and aura

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He sure looked familiar... Anyway, Reinhardt told him to open the gate and we strolled in.

"Say Reinhardt, how long has this been here?" I tilted my head waiting for an answer. "I'd say about, maybe...700 years(?)." I nodded.


After a while, he showed me where everything was. The bathroom, springs, dinning area and my room. There were many others but I just wanted to know the important ones.

I set my stuff down in the corner of the room. Opening the window for fresh air and taking off my shoes.


"Come in." They opened the door moderately slow which somehow irritated me. It was one of the maids. Reinhardt did say they will be coming to introduce themselves to me. "Welcome to the home of Reinhard van Astrea. We hope you find it enjoyable."

"Likewise, but what you mean, we?" As soon I said that, two more maids walked in. It was like they were concealing themselves in the shadows waiting for me to ask that question.

 It was like they were concealing themselves in the shadows waiting for me to ask that question

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―Of course there're beautiful. The one with the red ribbon must be the head maid. I'm also sure there're more skilled than Rem & Ram, in both combat and maid duty.

"My name is Hinata, the on the left is Shinobu, and to the right is Kanoe." I nodded. "Nice to meet you Hinata, Shinobu and Kanoe. I wish the best of you in your duties." They bowed and left, Hinata turned back slightly and went with the other two.


'I am pretty skeptical of these maids, they could turn out to be like Rem, and I wouldn't know about it because this isn't in the cannon... Going with Reinhardt is risky but if it means I get stronger... then I'm all for it.'

A/N: This chapter was pretty short and that's my fault but I might edit it again so it can be at least 1000 words. I'm going to change a little of the start of the story because I just watched this anime called Goblin Slayer and it amazing and I want this character to be like him. With the hiding you face shit and stoic attitude. Later.

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