Getting back on track Pt3

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"So you can basically return to a specific point in time, each time you die?" I placed my hands behind my back and started to walk around the room in circles.

"May I ask where your last spawn point is?"

"Exactly the first time I awoke here in the mansion. After defeating Elsa I passed out from blood loss and they took me here to get healed." I nodded my head. "Who healed you?"

"Beatrice." I asked him a series of questions relating to each loop in the mansion.

"The first time I died here was in my sleep... breaking the promise I made to Emilia." He looked down in sorrow. But right now isn't the time to grieve.

"The second loop I was feeling Ill near the time I was going to sleep, So I went out of my room to fetch for help but I was attacked and killed."

"I think you got cursed Subaru." He tilted his head in confusion. "Cursed? What do you mean cursed?"

"I'm talking about the time you were feeling ill and also dying in your sleep. Most likely, the curse that was implemented on you drained your mana until you died. Similar to a poison."

"Poison, Poison... Like it has to enter the body some type of way right?" I really wanted him to use his brain so I gave him a hint.

"Exactly. Like a snake or spider bite. Has anything bitten you Subaru? Like an animal?" He made a loud gasp as if realizing the cure to cancer.

"Yeh actually! There was this weird dog in the village. It came from the opposite side of the fence."

"Outside the village right?" He nodded his head. "Subaru, are you sure that it bit you? That dog must have cursed you then. Because it's a Mabeast or Witch beast."

"That makes sense. So that dog is the one who killed me... Wait, How did it get in the village?!" He shouted quietly.

"On my way here I saw that the village has a barrier. So it must've been broken on purpose. Either by the Mabeast or Someone who controls Mabeast. I suspect that the dog didn't come to the village by itself so someone must've welcomed it."

"Now that I think about it, there is a girl who showed me the dog. Also, she was acting very strange..."

"That must be the person controlling the Mabeast." He shook his head, disagreeing with me instantly. "That wouldn't make sense though. She's just a little kid."

"No Subaru, Isn't strange that everyone else in the village doesn't have a pet? That's because wild animals aren't allowed in the village. Most animals are Mabeast besides essential animals like chickens, cows, and stuff like that."

"Oh, now I see your point. Well, since that is solved now... w-what about the second loop?" I could tell he still doesn't feel comfortable about this one particular. He explained everything that happened in that loop. Basically...

Subaru once again meets Rem and Ram and rejoins the staff to support the mansion. He gets along well with Ram, the older twin. He joins Rem to get supplies from the village, meets the villagers again and gets bit by the puppy once more, then returns to the mansion.

Subaru goes to sleep but wakes up this time feeling ill. He manages to leave the bedroom to find help from the others in the mansion when he is attacked by someone he can't see and murdered. He resets to once again meet Rem and Ram for the "first time".

"Okay. The only thing that matters, is the time." I continued. "Since you couldn't see their face, I think we should devise a plan for tomorrow to defeat unknown assailant"

"Okay, what should we do then? They smashed my head to bits by the way."

"According to your loops, Rem should go to the village. The Mabeast should be there also and might look for a new target to bite sense you're not there."

"What do you mean? I'm-" I quickly put a hand over his mouth and directed his vision towards the door. We watched as footsteps creaked along the hallway floors—a shadow passing by the door.

After a long silence, I let go of his mouth and asked him to lower his voice.

"Let me explain without you interrupting me. While Rem is at the village gathering food, You will look for clues on how the Mabeast entered the village. Most likely a barrier has been broken. So bring Someone to fix it... Maybe Emilia."

"What will you be doing though?"

"I will keep an eye on the puppy and the girl. They won't harm anyone on my watch." I paused so he could process the plan. Then continued.

"Since we have no leads on the attacker, anyone in the mansion could be it. Before you say anything, let me tell you some of my suspicions." Opening then closing his mouth just as fast, he let me talk.

"I think that one of the maids, or an outside force killed you Subaru." I let him speak.

"Why do you think it could be one of the maids? They seem harmless. I believe it's Roswal." I shook my head in annoyance. I'm sure he has no facts to prove that it's Roswal so I.m not even going to argue on why it's not."

"No, Why would the lord of the manor kill you? If you were a threat then he wouldn't have let you stay as a butler or guest. I believe it's the maids because they are the only workers in the mansion. Meaning they have to protect it when Roswal is away or here. They are expected to take out a threat with or without Roswal's permission or knowledge of threat being there... You understand now?"

"Yes, I understand."

"So I will be doing two things. The first one is making sure the Mabeast doesn't harm anyone...Two, trying to convince the maids that you are not a threat. I will do Rem, and you will do Ram."

"How will I convince Ram?"

"Isn't it obvious? Just do the same thing as the other loops but better. Like no cringe poses or lame jokes. Also, I will teach you how to peel potatoes better."

"Awww, c'mon I'm not that cringe. Right?"


'Everything is going according to plan. If things do get out of hand I might have to rely on Subarus RBD because I don't plan on revealing my tricks too soon. But right now I have to think of a way to convince the maids we're not threats. Another thing is Subaru looking for clues on how the Mabest got in and fixing the barrier. I'm sure he'll ask Emilia for help and encourage her to come to the village. I really don't want to fight the horde of Canines tomorrow or any day for that matter. I don't want to mess up the timeline though... Surely nothing bad will come out of my plan. Unless Subaru does something stupid.'

A/n: Well I didn't think I could've came thru with this chapter. But because of my little dedication to this story, I managed to pull thru this Sunday as promised. Next chapter next week maybe? Also if I'm in a writing mood it will be a banger fo sure. Peace.

(Also if any misspelling comment on it and I will fix asap.)

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