Short Synopsis?| and Getting organized

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To Subaru's confusion, he found himself back in front of the Kadomon's fruit stand, who once again told him to get lost after finding out that he was broke. Upon inspection, he noticed that the bloodstains and cuts on his tracksuit were gone and that it was daytime again. Thinking back to Satella, Subaru quickly rushed back to the Stolen Goods Warehouse. After arriving, he found Old Man Rom there and told the giant that he was looking for an insignia. Rom denied having that good right now but told Subaru that a girl name Felt could possibly deliver a good similar to his description later in the day. At around sunset, Felt arrived at the warehouse after giving the password for each of Rom's questions. She apologizes for being late, saying that it took some time to shake off an annoying person on her trail. As she complains about the milk that Old Man Rom gave her, Subaru mused that the pair seemed closer than they looked, which caused Old Man Rom to admit that he finds Felt to be like his own granddaughter.

Seeing that he had no money to pay for the insignia, Subaru offers to give his cell phone, which he claims is a device that can freeze a single moment in time in a picture. The group was joined by a black-haired lady named Elsa Granhiert, who also wants the insignia for a client and is willing to buy it for twenty gold coins. In the end, Subaru wins the bidding war but accidentally lets it slip that he is going to return it to the original owner. 

Hearing this, Elsa narrowly sliced Subaru with her sword. In response, Old Man Rom rushed in to attack her with his club and Felt proudly declared that she had never seen the giant lose a fight. However, the black-haired lady effortlessly dodges his attacks and lands a fatal slash in the neck with a broken shard of glass. 

Angered at the murder of her friend, Felt begins to retaliate, but before doing so, she apologizes for dragging Subaru into this mess. Despite her protection of the wind granting her immense speed, she is also effortlessly cut down. As the last one in the room, Subaru had his guts sliced by Elsa. As his body grew colder, Subaru panicked and repeatedly said that he didn't want to die.

After once again returning back to life, Once again re-spawning in front of Kadomon's shop, Subaru was overcome by a feeling of nausea after remembering what just happened. However, he snapped back into reality after seeing Satella walking around the corner. As tried to apologize profusely for what happened, the silver-haired girl angrily rebuked him for calling her the Witch of Envy's name. 

At that moment, Felt emerges from her hiding spot within the crowd and stealthily steals the girl's insignia once again. The girl at first accused him of being an accomplice before beginning to chase after the thief. Confused at what just happened, Subaru walked into a corner where he once again ran into Ton, Chin, and Kan. Viewing them as a bother, Subaru tried to pass by them, but ends up being accidentally stabbed by Chin's knife. As the trio was arguing over what to do, they eventually ran away and left Subaru to die alone. For the fourth time, Subaru woke up to find himself next to Kadomon's shop.

 After deciding that he couldn't go back to the store right away, Subaru decided to start by organizing his disordered thoughts. First, he decided to name his unknown ability Return by Death. Looking back, he realized that the corpse he found the first time was probably Rom and Elsa was likely responsible for his first death as well. After thinking about Satella, he realized that his duty to the girl ended with his first life. But after some deliberation, he decided that he couldn't leave a selfless person, who helped a stranger, to her possible doom.

Regaining his resolve, Subaru once again ran into the trio of thieves... And here we are now...


"Bruh not again! Why won't you guys just leave me alone!?"

 They all gave off a confused expression but brushed it off thinking Subaru was a madman. After deep realization and swallowing his pride, he did an imitation of a women's voice and called for the guards.

"GUARDS, GUARDS! THESE MEN ARE TRYING TO RAPE ME!" The thieves started to panic and yell at Subaru. Then after an awkward silence, it was Subaru's turn to worry. The men started to approach him. But as he was backing up, something unexpected happened.

 Subaru was shoved to the side and in that next moment, Chin was dropped kicked in his chest towards the far end of the alleyway. The other two looked at the attacker with fear.

And if their day could get any worse, the famous Sword Saint, Reinhard Van Astrea made an appearance.

"Fu*k this sh*t, I'm out!" The last two thugs grabbed Chin and ran out the alleyway.

 Subaru got up and dusted his clothes as Reinhard approached him. "Oh thanks for helping me, are you perhaps a guard?" He immediately replied. "It seems that I'm off duty today and I don't have my uniform."

While they wear having their conversation, the person who kicked Chin chimed in also. "It looks like you're okay now and out of trouble. Do you have any idea why those three tried to harm you?"

"I actually don't but thank you as well for helping me with those guys." Reinhard made himself known again by asking if Subaru needed any assistance in anything else, "Thanks for the offer but no sorry... But I do have one request."

 He paused for a short while seemingly thinking about what he wanted to say. "If you see a girl with silver hair and white robes, tell her not to travel to the loot house, as I will personally bring what she's looking for to her." Reinhard waved goodbye and left the two alone.

"So, Why are you heading to the loot house anyway? Have you decided to buy stolen goods?" Subaru waved his hands in protest. "No, I'm just going there, to help a friend. That's all."

He made his way up the steps before a hand was placed on his shoulder. The hand was pretty large and veiny, almost scaring Subaru. "If you don't mind, I can maybe be of assistance..."

"Subaru, My name is Subaru" He introduced himself with a smile. "The name's Y/n, and I'm happy to help." Subaru's mouth hanged open a while before a smirk grew across his face.

"Well, there is no time to waste!"

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