First Date

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I'm a nervous reck right now. I was answering the door because Ross was here to take me out. We only have met two months ago, talked consistently since then and now here we are.

I opened the door to see him dressed in a crisp pure white vneck, his jeans were skinny & these cool custom Nike roches.

"Hi" I said bubbly with a smile

" look beautiful" Ross said admiring me. Moved in to give me a hug and I gladly accepted his embrace.

"I'm ready to go whenever you are" I said once we pulled away.

"Sure, let's go" he said. I then shut & locked my house door. He led me to his car. I was greeted by his security & for a moment I was thrown off. But then I had to get a reality check, Ross is who he is. I interact with him so much just like anyone els & forget Ross is a celebrity. I have a tendency to dive right into situation heart first instead of brain. I need to work on that.

"That's Carl, he will be with us for safety precautions," Ross told me

"Hi Carl" I said & gave him a small wavy. He said hello & then Ross helped me in the car.

"So where are we off to?" I asked

"You will see, it's a surprise. We're going to do something fun first"

"Fun you say?"

"Yes, I have it all planned out"

"Ok, let's do it" I said

After 10 minutes of driving we arrived at this mini golf place I think. We then parked & go out. The mini golf place was very fancy.

"Do you know how to golf?" Ross asked me

"Mini golf...I guess I can say I'm a pro." I said cockily with a smirk

"A pro you say?"

"I don't mean to tut my own horn but.."

"Ok, so let's make a wager, if you win, I have to do whatever you want me to, if I win you have to do whatever I ask." Ross said

"Your on" I said

We headed in to start playing. We did the little warm up & I started with small puts & then larger & I was making them. Ross was impressive because he was making his too.

"Ok Pro, let's get started" Ross came over to meet me face to face. I look him into the eyes.

"Let the best one win" I said

"Good luck Pro" he said with emphasis on the Pro.

"Pros don't need luck, but good luck to you mr. Golfer rockstar" I said

"Ladies first" Ross said que-Ing me to go.

"Watch and learn" I said I prepared & then hit it and made it in on the first try. I played it cool even though I'm jumping up & down like a hyper child excited I got it in on the first try.

"A piece of cake" I said

When it was Ross turn he hit it on his first try.

"Piece of cake" Ross said mocking me. The game started get intense the first 7 wholes. We were still head to head & then I started to choke on whole 10. Finally Ross started to mess up too & so that made us even. Finally it came literally down to the last whole. I made par. Ross finally when it was Ross's turn he missed the 1st time , I just nee him to bogey. I sweated & finally he bogeyed. I then did a little dance to celebrate my win. Ross was a good loser. He hugged me and congratulated me. He even bought me a little trophy in there shop to give to me. We headed back to the car.

"That was so much fun.....I like your competitive side"

"Likewise. & just so we are clear I let you win, I saw you sweating over there & I knew you would be sad if I won, so I bogeyed so you can win."

"Oh you did now." I said

"Yes I just wanted to see you smile & you shocked me with your little dance and everything"

"Well don't worry you can have a rematch some other time & next time don't "hand me the game" " I said

"No don't worry I wont" he said making me laugh.

We later arrived at the restaurant. I thought we would be inside but Ross led me to the stairs. I didn't know the restaurant had a rooftop private setting. The view was so perfect. The almost sunset was beautiful. I love sunsets.

"Are you enjoying the view?" He asked

"Yes, I love sunsets" I said admiring the sky & forgetting to look at the menu to pick out something to eat.

"I think this view is my favorite" Ross said I looked at him noticing him looking back at me too,

"Same" I said

Getting to know more about Ross over dinner was so perfect. Ross is amazing, charming, smart. He's really something special. We have a lot of things in common but importantly he makes me laugh.

After dinner we went for a little walk by a near by park & stopped at a ice cream truck in the park to get ice cream. After the park I was sad to leave but I had to go. Ross took my hand to helps out the car and walks with me to my front door.

"Hey you never told me what you were going to have me do regarding our bet"

"Well it was a win win bet anyway, but I set it up so that I can just be sure"

"I don't get it"

"Just in case the our date went bad, I'll have a second chance.....but since our date was fun, you are I'm pretty sure your willing to go back out with me"

"......" I blushed

"Your blushing"

I giggled at him.

"Well of that is a invitation than its a yes."

"Perfect........ill let you know when soon, I want to go out before I leave on tour for the summer"

"Sounds good.....i really had a nice time"

"Me too, i don't want to leave.....but I have too."

He then leaned in to give me a hug. I stayed his embrace for a long time. I don't think I should kiss him. I don't think he's going to kiss me. If he does he does but if he doesn't that's fine too. After our long embrace we let go. He told me he would text me when he gets home. I waited almost all night for him to text me. I thought he forgot so I started to go to sleep. But he ended up text me he made it home & we texted all night until I feel asleep.


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