Don't Look Back part 2

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They went back and forth & I was just so stuck on what she said. It's Aj that gets to me. She has be with Sam since we were together & now all of this
comes to light.

I was so deep in despair I snapped out of it when I noticed Val threw her drink in his face and tried to slap him. She got a few hits and everyone one around me did nothing but it wasn't until
He push back & almost hit her someone stepped & grabbed both her and him. I couldn't move my feet. It was like standing in quick sand & I was drowning in my embarrassment until I finally put one foot in front of the other.

My thought was to find Jason & tell
Him I love him & I said to go & especially apologize for them ruining his party. I found him & told him. I broke into tears. Jason walked me
outside to get me calm down because
He didn't get why I wanted to leave.

I was in mid sentence of telling Jason about Aj. It wasn't really a sentence because I kept stopping and crying. Then my red stinging eyes notice a voice.

"Aye what's going on?, why is Y/n crying? What the hell happened?" It was Ross I can tell by the way he said my name. I felt Ross touch me and I felt even more broken.

"Him....& AJ & " I tried to get out but my mouth was so mute. The next thing I knew Jason rushed and I guess Sam
for some reason is just now getting out the house & Jason went to fight him.

From what I can see we weren't standing to far off from them scrabbling. Jason body slammed him
to the ground. Ross was about to leave me to hop in the right & then I don't know where it came from but I just started screaming stop stop stop to the top of my lungs. Then security stepped in to break them up. Jason was pealed off of him & Sam got up & walked to his car. Jason screaming you lucky I didn't kill him.

Jason was pacing back & forth. Then he stopped. I was scared. Jason mad is so scary. Jason's girlfriend stepped in to help but she was scared just like me.

Ross had his arm around my waist. Before I knew it I was in his car & we were in his back seat & his driver took off. The whole ride home I was crying in Ross chest. He didn't let go of me. By the time we got to my house I stopped crying. I opened the door & Ross came in. We made it in the kitchen & Ross started scrambling around. I noticed he found some medicine and he was making me tea.

He sat next me in on the of island chairs next to me.

"I feel so humiliated"

"Don't he's the idiot. You shouldn't cry over him. He's not worth it"

"This happened in front of all our friends & I ruined Jason's party.
I feel horrible"

"It's not your fault."

".........................What I'm mostly mad about is Aj."

"What does she have to do with it?"

"She's been sleeping with him since we got together"

"How true is it? They could be lying"

"But why els would she move to Lux county which is far far away. Sam went to lux county & I remember being on his phone looking at his last location being there awhile back . It's got to be true"


"Aj & I grew up together, I know we had our differences because sometimes we grow to like different things but I still called her my friend & I loved her like a sister and for her to do something like this to me........."

"She's not a real you know"

"I guess I know now"

Ross finally finished making my tea. He made himself a cup as well and we waited for it to cool down a bit.

"I have to tell her I know about Sam and her"

"Don't be surprise when she reaches out to you first maybe even tomorrow she will. News travels fast"

"I'm not ready to talk to her yet but I will"

"Yeah all you need to do is just say you know & let that be the end of it. Then you don't need to say anything els"

I started to tear up again & then Ross wiped my side tear away. anytime
He makes physical contact with me it makes me calm. I feel comforted.

We drunk our tear and then I went to my room to change. I then got in bed. Ross joined me and sat at the edge of the bed like he was tucking me in.

"Everything is going to be ok."

"I just can't believe that happened"

"Me either. But just know you don't need to worry about that jerk anymore he's not going to hurt you anymore."


Ross then stood up and I was scared.



"Can you please stay with me. I don't want to be by myself"

"I was just about to change, of course I'm not going to leave you alone tonight. You still have my sweats?"

"Yes top draw" I said. Ross use to always stay over when we had movie nights or when I hang at his house I always had a habit of taking his shirts or sweats. I don't know how I got that habit but I do.

He took of his nice fancy expensive clothes & grabbed a beater that's his and his sweats and threw it on. He then climbed into bed and I scooted close to him to lay my head on his chest. We sat in silence. The only noise that was beautiful to me was hearing Ross's heartbeat. It calmed me and made me forget about everything that happened. But the only thought I had in my mind was I cant trust nobody but Ross. It made me cry a bit. Ross turned me to look up at him & he dried my tears again.

"I'm sorry, it's just reality smacked me just now. You are the only one I know I can trust........i really don't know what I'd do without are the only one that is honest with me & has my back........this whole thing with Aj makes me think like who knew about her & Sam......your the only one Ross"

"You can always count on me. I'm always going to be here for you. & don't jump to conclusions to fast. When you are ready to deal with or find out from people if you want to ask them if you know. I think if it's important to you ask when you ready to. But I think we all love each other enough to tell you if we had known. We called him out before & if we knew about Aj we would have surely called both her and Sam out by now."

"Maybe your right" I said

"Nobody could have known that those girls agenda was to go after Sam & you. But all I know is I don't want this to change who you are because we all love you for who you are. That asshole couldn't appreciate that. You are so
beautiful, so smart, funny, caring, loyal & you have the most amazing heart. Just because that asshole didn't appreciate that doesn't mean someone els won't."

I started to tear up again and he wiped my tears away.

"Everything is going to be ok. I know this isn't a easy pill to swallow but I'm going to help you through this."

"Thank you." I said cuddling into him. I closed my eyes & then took a deep breathe & then released it. I felt Ross gently rub my back knowing when he does that it helps me sleep. Before I knew it I was in a deep deep sleep.

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