Don't Look Back part 1

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I was so happy yet sad for my good friend Jason. He signed up to be in the Navy to serve our country. Jason has had a rough couple of years with getting himself together & finally it all comes full circle. Jason will be deployed on Sunday & his birthday is Saturday too so tonight we are giving him a going-away / birthday party for him.

Tonight I hope things go smoothly
I really don't want any drama tonight. My boyfriend Sam was coming to pick me up tonight. Sam and I have almost been together for a year. I love Sam but loving him is not easy. For the last 4 months hes been putting me through hell. I feel like I've been doing all I can to stay strong but I'm struggling right now. My friends they have caught him lying to me before & of course I was mad about it but I forgave him later but other than that one time nobody really knows what's going on with me and Sam. I don't talk about it to anyone. I've kept my relationship with him alienated from my friends & thankfully they haven't asked about him anyway.

Once Sam picked me up we headed to the house venue where the party was. I wasn't talking much to Sam because we had a long drive & I just naturally fall asleep each time. He noticed me going to sleep & maybe 15 mins later I wake up to feel my phone go off letting me know I had a text. It was from my best friend Ross. He was just letting me know he coming to the party now. At first he wasn't going to make it because he was recording but it ended just in time for him to make it. I was happy to text him back I'll see him when he gets there.

Ross is my sunshine. I feel like sometimes he's the only one i can trust. I'm really proud of him. he has worked so hard for everything & it's all paying off.

"You quickly woke up to text?" Sam said

"My are you nosey today"

"I just seen you smile are your phone what's that about?"

"It's just one of my friends, that's coming, speaking of that lets try to have a good night, let's not argue in front of my friends, no being a dick to anyone. Be nice."

"If someone comes at me indirectly I'm going to put them in the direct order. I don't like some of your friends. Me and Jason are cool but for the rest of them.....I think you should think about getting new friends"

"Sam I'm not getting into that conversation with you because you are out of line and because we are here. Listen tonight it about Jason. So put away your feelings & differences with everyone for an hour for him & be cool. That's all I ask"

"Whatever" he said which will
Be as close to a yes I will get.

When we go in I greet everyone that was there & I kept Sam close to me
So I can keep an eye out on him. I don't want him misbehaving. Ross had finally arrived and we talked for a bit until Sam got annoying & I told Ross we will catch up later I had to talk to Sam & put him in his place.

Once it was dinner time we all sat down an ate & we talked and said some words to Jason. But by the time it was time for desert I noticed and remember these two girls on the mid to almost far end staring at me. But I couldn't tell them again because they may have been looking at Sam. I then just ignore them & went back to the party.

Then once it was time to mingle again. Those same to girls came over to approach us.

"Hi Samuel.....hello" this one girl said and the other one look like she was trying to be tough but she did want to say anything.

"Christy.....Val I thought that was you at the end of the table. It's crazy to see you here"

"Oh really? How come you didn't want
To speak to us? Scared?" Christy said very harshly....I'm so confused as to what's going on.

"Umm hey what's the meaning of all of this. Whatever beef that's happening Christy with you and him, tonight is not the time or the place." I said trying to squash it

She looked at me like I was joke.

"You see this beautiful lady right here.
Sam has been sleeping with her for the last 2 months & for the last 6 months he's been with someone you hold close to your heart & she's still sleeping with her I believe Ms. AJ Sudden is what you call her. We caught them last if anything you should be thanking me for doing this favor for you" Christy said sharply punching knives through me when she mentioned Aj. No wonder why she moved to Lux county & we lost contact.
Aj grew up together and go close. Aj and I met Sam at the same time but Aj went for Sam's friend Jake but he broke up with her right before she moved. Aj grew a part in a sense but we still stayed close and I can't believe this.

"So you feel better to bring your dog up here to tell her everything. " He said to Val

"Wow" I said I look right at Sam & then I noticed everyone we were talking to staring. I feel so embarrassed

"Y/n I never meant to hurt you"

"But you did. Them & Aj huh? Aj is true huh?"

"Yes." Sam said

"Of course it's true" Christy said

"But what's worse him telling me he loves me moves us into this nice apartment & then telling me he loves me but won't leave you. But I died yesterday finding out that Aj is 2 weeks pregnant. Sam and I had a fight & he took my key when I left. I'm here for
The key to get my stuff. I'm leaving his sorry this had to happen. But I need my shit" Val said

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