What We Are

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A few days ago I hung out with my friend Daniel. I knew him for years he's practically like family that's how close I would say we are. Tonight was bowling night with everybody & I was excited. Ross is going to be there tonight & I'm happy to see him because I feel like he's mad at me for some reason. Why I don't know I feel like that maybe because he hasn't texted me since Tuesday & we talk everyday so it's weird to me.

My best friend Mj came & got me & we went right over to the bowling alley. There I saw him & the others already putting on his shoes.

"Hey everyone" I said to everyone giving everyone a full hug. When I got to Ross he gave me this weak sauce hug & not to mention he didn't even say a word to me.

MJ set up the system & we all decided to play on teams.

"Ross you want to be on teams?" I asked him

"Sure I don't care" he said nonchalantly. Now I know for sure he's got something against me. I whispered to MJ to make me and Ross be the last ones on our team to bowl last & she did since she was working it.

"Hey I'm going to order us food what you guys want?" I asked everyone. Everybody all replied mostly pizza, wings and Pepsi & I just settled for just that.

"Hey come with me to order" I said pulling Ross arms to follow me and thankfully he followed.

"I'm not going to go through the whole night with you give me the cold shoulder....what's up with this? What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing obviously"


"Yes nothing"

"Ross, we are closer then this, what did I do?"

"Nothing, I'm not saying anything it doesn't even matter anymore"

"It does matter, you matter to me & you know how I feel about you. I can't fix what I did wrong if you don't tell me"

"Just forget it." Ross said as we arrived at the line to order. I'm really upset that he's acting like a butthole to me. I've done nothing wrong. I don't know what has gotten into him.

I look down at the ground & then suddenly a familiar voice who in front of me calls my name.

"Hey y/n"

I look up to see it was Daniel.

"Hey Dan, what are you doing here?" I said with a slight smile and I hugged him.

"I'm here on my date."

"She's here? Did you ask her yet?" I asked him

"No not yet, oh am I interrupting? I didn't mean"

"No...nothing at all were not on a date we are just here with friends " Ross said simply yet shading me

"I'm sorry where are my manners, Dan this is my friend Ross...Ross this is my childhood best friend Dan" I said introducing each other. They said what's up and they shook hands.

Dan ordered at one register then we did as well. After we were done we walked over to the same spot to pick up the drinks.

"Hey I want you to come meet Alison, I don't want her thinking or assuming things." Dan said

"Ok cool, after we get this ill come by and meet her." I said to Dan & then he walked away. Ross then laughs a bit to himself & then we look at each other & hes still laughing.

"Ok what's funny now?"

"Nothing nothing nothing.....I feel like the biggest jerk right now that's all"

"You should" I said and then I realized what was going on.

"You found out about me hanging with Daniel didn't you? You assumed something was going on didn't you?"

"....yes that would be correct. I'm sorry I feel like a huge jerk"


"I know. I should have just asked. & I feel bad."

"I'm more upset at the fact you were a jerk to me in front of all of our friends."

"I feel so bad"

I just stayed silent because I didn't know what to say.

"I found out that you went out with him a few nights ago. I saw someone take pics of you guys and I got really mad because it looked like he made you smile and you guys were flirting. He was looking you in the eyes & I started to over thing everything & I made myself mad & believe you were toying with me. & I just got a little jealous especially just now meeting him. & now we discover he's on a date with someone who he's about to make his girlfriend. You knew all along didn't you?" He asked after explaining himself & I just gave him a look like yup & I just didn't say anything.

"Y/n I feel so bad about how I just acted. I am truly sorry"

"I'm mad you would think that I would play with your feelings" I said

"I should know better that you wouldn't"


"Ross but really ok frustrated because I feel like we are are not being honest or maybe I'm just missing something. Or I'm just not reading you correctly. I just feel so all over the place"

"I thought we were taking our time?"

"But we never confirmed that, we just said lets see...& that's very opened ended to me. You know me well enough to know that I need structure. You have to tell me & if whatever we are doing or going to agree to we have to be honest with each other, that's how we build trust & it's obvious now we have a trust problem."

"Y/n I want to be your boyfriend" he just said bluntly & I just got thrown off because I didn't get why he just said that.

"I want to be with you. Is that subtle enough?" He said with a smirk trying to hover over me & close me into him. It's making me nervous & he knows this.

"That's very subtle"

"I know why I was a jerk. I was just upset because I thought I lost you to him. & I know that sounds bad but I'm trying to tell you I don't want you to be with anyone but me. You make me happy, you make me laugh. you understand me. The thought of losing you drove me mad. I don't want to feel like I've lost you to anyone ever again so be with me. The only reason why I haven't moved us farther along was because it seemed like this is the pace you were setting. I wanted to do things slow like you. & then him....I just got caught up & thought you didn't feel the same for me because of him getting in your head but obviously nothing is going on "

"So you're say you don't like sharing me?"

"Absolutely not. I'm a very selfish person & very territorial of my girlfriend" he said


"Yes jealousy and territorial is two different things....being jealous is when you mad at something you don't have territorial is protecting what already yours"

"I'm yours now?"

"You've always been, I just took me sometimes to step up and enforce somethings & now is the time"

Before I can think of anything to say he lean over to kissed me sweetly. Making me forget everything about what happened earlier. It's crazy how he had that effect on me. I'm stuck on what he just said. Finally we are together after all this time.

"Just promise me you will be by my side" I said softly

"Always, I'll always protect what's mine. Your my treasure. I will treasure you"

Those words made me smile. For the rest of the night I was just so happy. I was on cloud 9 having fun. I couldn't be happier. The best thing is I have someone I can call my own. That's what we are.

Ross Lynch ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now