6. Down the market

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"Aren't you asleep?" Jungkook entered the living room to see Hoseok sitting on the couch sipping a drink slowly

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"Aren't you asleep?" Jungkook entered the living room to see Hoseok sitting on the couch sipping a drink slowly.

"I can't."

"I get," Jungkook's heart restless, the worry has woken him up and he couldn't stay in the bedroom over analyzing Jimin's new scent he couldn't grasp.

Is he hiding something from me, he's so sad and tense lately. Is he sick or something, a cold shiver ran down Jungkook's body.

"How could my mate have been kidnapped from my palace? There are guards and alarms, there's equipment to protect us," Hoseok emptied the glass reaching for the bottle to refill.

"I don't know. I guess Taehyung had been planning that for a long time," Jungkook sighed taking place next to the prince.

"You guys are my only chance to ever find him."

"We will," Jungkook assured although he could guarantee nothing. Taehyung for sure wanted revenge, but how far would he go?

Jimin was so sure he won't harm Jin or Tanja, but Jungkook had his doubts, he had killed Taehyung's parents, mated the omega who could have made him king.

The front door banged so Hoseok jumped up spilling the heavy drink on the floor.

"Yoongi," Jungkook saw his guardian coming in, his face extremely pale. "Have you found?"

"No," Yoongi looked away. "Nothing so far."

"Oh no," Hoseok fell back on the couch hiding his face in his hands.

"But there are still at least two more places where he could have hidden, so I will check both," Yoongi still had his gaze fixed on the floor not making eye contact.

"Yoongi if you're tired go home, take a rest," whispered Jungkook, why did he have the feeling everyone was keeping secrets from him.

"I'm fine, will set off to the airport, I need to drop someone off, then I will return to my search."

"Um... ok, ah Yoongi. Has Jimin spoken to you lately? Has something changed? Is there something I should know happening to him?" Jungkook felt his voice cracking.

Yoongi turned a bit still looking past him, his face darkened.

"Not that I knew," he muttered. "Goodnight. I advise you two to take a rest," he said before storming out of the house.

The door banged shut tossing an icy silence over the room.

Jungkook has disappeared in the basement gym some minutes ago, so Jimin glanced left and right before sneaking out of the villa. It was early morning, the sun high, the city peaceful. Last night Yoongi was acting highly suspicious when he has come and Jimin had overheard him speaking to his alpha. He could maybe foul that silly Puppy and prince Hoseok, but Jimin had led too many battles to fall for it. Yoongi by now for sure knew where Taehyung is, but for some reasons he was keeping that information for himself.

If he thought though Jimin doesn't have ways to find out himself, he was wrong.

The labyrinth of the alleys of former Handover Mafia territory he dived into some time later bringing back so many memories. Maybe Taehyung has come back in just the right time, as Jimin had a mission to focus on now, because sitting and thinking about the state he was in would kill him.

Today, he could feel like put back in time, wearing that oversized hoodie over dark jeans and boots, slipping through shortcuts down the city to the secret stairs leading into the black market. The scent of dust and mixed islands' ashes hitting him, as nothing has really changed down here.

The huge butcher Aro was sitting on a chair yelling at his sons to serve the customers, his eyes tight up by a gray clothing as he and been completely blinded by Jimin after trying to forcefully mate him. The omega's heartbeat raising, he had many enemies down here.

Aro moved on the chair sniffing the air, his claws appeared but Jimin mixed between the crowd hoping the blind alpha won't come up with some ridiculous revenge. The last thing he needed was attention.

There was a wrinkled lady laying out a bunch of dried Moscato fans on that last table at the far end of the market, Jimin approaching slowly to stop and cast his gaze over the ingredients.

"Are my eyes deceiving me?" Woo looked up stunned.

"It's me, unfortunately life had brought me here," Jimin blushed, he has believed he will never ever again need to see that basement corridor that had been part of the fortifications of the old city, royalty had been rumored to burn down to trap Gaudan, the previous super alpha, down here then let the flames swallow him alive. Legend had it the former capital had been destroyed completely, but the beast miraculously survived after swallowing a mythical ingredient called Idagou on the night of the red moon.

"Jimin... you. You shouldn't be here," Woo's eyes raised open in shock. "You have to protect the royal pup," her gaze wandered on his belly when all his blood froze into ice.

"I'm completely capable," he hissed.

"So what do you need?" Woo sighed tossing a glance over the market street.

"I need information, has anyone been buying suspicious ingredients from you lately?"

Woo sighed returning to ordering the Moscato fans.

"It depends what do you consider a suspicious ingredient?"

"Powder from Island 9, moon fox venom, Jaguru flowers, dried crystals from island 3," Jimin caught her dark gaze.

"What could I do from those?" She muttered.

"Someone unskilled would mix it all to produce drugs, that was crap called Hallustasy mass produced by Handover before I had joined them."

"I had that exact order," Woo was speaking very quietly. "Three days ago a mutant came, the payment was made by Slavador."

Thank you so much for your amazing support

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Thank you so much for your amazing support. I know those are really difficult days for us but we need to be double strong and stick together right now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, though. What do you think about Jimin not trusting Yoongi and his trip to the market? Will he find out something?

Much <3

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