20. Noir

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"What should I do, I can't even drive a motorbike to get out of here

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"What should I do, I can't even drive a motorbike to get out of here. I have to go on foot," Jimin stormed the house to collect all his things into that used backpack, his heart restless, the baby definitely feeling his worry as he became so sick again storming the bathroom, cursing. It took a longer while till he was able to return to packing, his body so exhausted.

"I think it's all," a few minutes later Jimin was checking the bedroom, but a sound of an engine disturbed the silence, so he sprinted to the nearest window.

There was the huge military bulletproof car of prince Hoseok rolling onto the driveway, Jimin's heart not there from worry when he grabbed the backpack running downstairs to storm the front terrace.

Last night seemed like a dream which has never happened, so far away, but the car stopped, the huge tires almost taller than Jimin so intimidating.

Both doors opened and Hoseok jumped out closely followed by Yoongi.

"Where is Jungkook?" Jimin clenched his fists.

Yoongi lowered his gaze, there was embarrassment in his scent.

"Where is Jungkook?" Repeated Jimin, his voice trembling.

"Trapped in Gaudan's tomb," muttered Yoongi.

"What do you mean?"

"It was my stupid idea, I made Jungkook give you a sleeping pill then we both went to the caves. He dived in to open the tomb, but it sealed him in after he was attacked by the half dead."

"What? What?" Jimin couldn't believe in what he is hearing.

"I'm sorry, it should have worked, but seems Taehyung was again one step ahead," Yoongi wasn't daring to look at him.

"So? He is trapped there and?" Jimin almost shouted, his claws coming out.

"The tomb will open during the moon eclipse," Yoongi risked to lift his gaze.

"That is in two days! What if he's hurt!" Yelled Jimin.

"That is actually tonight, we have knocked you out for over 50 hours," Yoongi took a step back.

Jimin released his fists then closed them again as he would gladly rip Yoongi into pieces.
There were long moments of silence, just the waves roaring splashing against the cliff.

"I shouldn't worry you so much especially now," muttered Yoongi but Jimin hissed. "I mean, we need your help. Only you can come up with a plan good enough to rescue Jungkook."

For a moment it became dark in front of Jimin's eyes, but he was holding on with the rests of his sanity.

"The eclipse will only last for twenty minutes and Taehyung will be there to collect the fangs."

"I know, that's why we need a brilliant plan."

"Can someone go to that tomb now?" Jimin was trembling.

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